The Theme to this Weeks Come Follow me Lesson (2/24-3/2)
What is the Worth of Souls Is Great?
The Name of LDS Hymn 2
What is The Spirt of God?
This prophet was commanded to build a ship to sail his family to the promised land.
Who is Nephi?
The First Prophet.
Who is Adam?
The Winner of this years Super Bowl.
Who are the Philadelphia eagles?
The 3 Men Given Revelation in D&C 18.
Who is Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdrey, & David Whitmer?
The Name of LDS Hymn 252
What is Put your Shoulder to the Wheel?
The prophet wrote the last part of the Book of Mormon and hid the golden plates.
Who is Moroni?
The Oldest President/Prophet of the Church.
Who is President Nelson?
The Number of Kids Brother Dial has.
What is 4?
According to D&C 18:15 This Happens when you Labor to bring a Soul unto Jesus!
What is you bring joy to your own Soul?
Teach me all that I must do, To live with him someday.
What is the Last Line of the Chorus in the song I am a Child of God?
The Tools Joseph Used to Translate the Golden Plates.
What are the Urim and Thummim?
This prophet led the pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley.
Who is Brigham Young?
My Fiance's name.
Who is Kimber Pattberg?
In Doctrine and Covenants 18, the Lord says this act is essential to gaining eternal joy.
What is Repentance?
Come Follow Me
What is Verse 116?
When Jesus appeared to the Nephites, He let them do this to know He was the Savior.
What is touch His hands and feet?
The prophet that was swallowed by a great fish for three days.
Who is Jonah?
The name of our Ward.
What is The Summit Ward?
The Lord says that sharing the gospel is a sign of this Christlike attribute.
What is Love or Charity?
The name of the new Hymn book written in 2024.
What is Hymns—for Home and Church?
The Prophet who prayed for a sign and was struck dumb for three days before gaining his testimony.
Who is Alma the Younger?
This prophet interpreted dreams for Pharaoh and saved Egypt from famine.
Who is Joseph?
The number of years since the restoration of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
What is 203?