What two countries border the Dead Sea?
Israel & Jordan
What is the main reason the Dead Sea is shrinking?
Water diversion from the Jordan River for agriculture and industry
What is a sinkhole?
A sudden collapse of the ground caused by underground erosion.
How does the shrinking Dead Sea affect local ecosystems?
Loss of unique habitats and reduced freshwater inflows
What is one proposed solution to replenish the Dead Sea?
Red Sea-Dead Sea Water Conveyance Project
True or False: The Dead Sea is actually a sea.
False, it is a saltwater lake.
How has climate change contributed to the Dead Sea’s decline?
Increased temperatures lead to higher evaporation rates
Why are sinkholes forming around the Dead Sea?
Receding water levels dissolve underground salt layers, causing the ground to collapse
What impact does Dead Sea shrinkage have on tourism?
Resorts and beaches are moving further from the water, making access difficult
What is the goal of the "Red-Dead" Canal project?
To transport water from the Red Sea to stabilize the Dead Sea’s water levels
What is the primary river that feeds the Dead Sea?
Jordan River
What industries extract minerals from the Dead Sea, accelerating its shrinkage?
Cosmetics and Potash
What human activities contribute to sinkhole formation?
Agricultural irrigation and mineral extraction for cosmetics speed up water loss
Why are freshwater springs around the Dead Sea drying up?
Lowering water table and reduced replenishment from rainfall
Why is desalination considered a possible solution?
It could provide fresh water to the region, reducing reliance on Jordan River water diversion
The Dead Sea is famous for its high salt content, which allows people to do what without sinking?
Over the past 50 years, the Dead Sea has lost approximately what percentage of its surface area?
About 30%
How large can some sinkholes around the Dead Sea get?
Up to 20 meters deep and wide
How does sinkhole formation impact infrastructure?
Roads, buildings, and farms collapse into sinkholes
What are scientists proposing to slow sinkhole formation?
Artificially replenishing underground freshwater or stabilising salt layers
What other Sea is fed by the Jordan River?
Sea of Galilee
How much is the Dead Sea receding annually?
About 1 meter per year
What was the estimated number of sinkholes around the Dead Sea by 2020?
Over 6,000
Name one historical or cultural site at risk due to the Dead Sea’s decline
Ein Gedi or Masada National Park
What challenge faces international cooperation in saving the Dead Sea?
Political conflicts between Israel, Jordan, and Palestine affecting agreements