Ismaili 101
The Muslim World
Words have Meanings
In Today's World
Its all Relevant

It is said that the early Muslims gifted Prophet Muhammad with food; however, he then distributed it to the poor. In the Ismaili mosques, Ismailis receive the food and donate money which is then used for charity.

Where is this seen in the modern day?

What is Nandi

"Nandi is a Sanskrit word which is defined as: 'joy, satisfaction, delight; prosperity and praise of a deity at the commencement of a religious rite or observance


This city is considered the holiest site in Islam and is the destination for the Hajj pilgrimage.

What is Mecca?


This term refers to the pilgrimage to Mecca, which is a mandatory act for Muslims who are physically and financially able.

What is Hajj?


Which principle does the Imam often emphasize that encourages Ismailis to engage with the world positively?

What is the concept of Plularism?


If you divide 30 by half and add negative 30, what do you get?


Half is 0.5. If you divide 30 by 0.5, you get 60. Add negative 30 and you have 30.


The Imam of the world's fifteen million Nizārī is now known by a particular title, granted by the Shah of Persia, that translates very roughly as "commander-in-chief." The title has become familiar to the outside world through charities under the umbrella of a central Development Network. What is this title?

Answer: Aga Khan
The title of "Aga Khan" was bestowed on the Nizārī Imam in the 1830s, by the Shah of Persia. The first Aga Khan provided military support to the Afghan War and in the conquest of India, picking up British nobility (and a pension) in the process. The British government has referred to the Aga Khan as "His Highness" since 1957. 


This country has the largest Muslim population in the world, with over 200 million Muslims.

What is Indonesia?


This Arabic word means "charity" and refers to the obligatory almsgiving required of Muslims.

What is Zakat?


What is the name of the organization that provides humanitarian assistance globally and was founded by the Aga Khan?

What is AKDN?


This is the highest grossing Hollywood movie

What is Avatar?


50 Points Each

Which cities are home to the six existing Ismaili Centres?

1. London            2. Vancouver            3. Lisbon         4. Dubai           5. Dushanbe     6. Toronto


This holy city has significance in all all 3 Abrahamic traditions

What is Jerusalem?


This term refers to the Islamic law derived from the Quran and Hadith, guiding the moral and legal aspects of life.

What is Sharia?


In which country is the Global Centre for Pluralism located?

What is Canada?


Name all 4 teachers of 12th grade ALIF

Shamsha Isani

Raish Wadhwaniya

Zain Farishta

Soniya Wadhwaniya


Less than two hundred years after the Isma'ili tradition was born as a separate faith, the Isma'ilis achieved their greatest level of worldly power: the Fatimid Empire, which lasted 262 years. Among the Fatimids' legacies is one of the great cities of the Arab world, home of the famous Tahrir Square. Which of these cities did they found?

Answer: Cairo
The Fatimid dynasty was founded in 909 C.E. by Ubayd Allah, a general who claimed descent from Muhammad's daughter Fatima. (Hence the name of the dynasty.) Initially based in what is now Tunisia, the empire soon expanded across North Africa, conquering Egypt in 969. The caliphs soon founded the city of al-Manṣūriyyah, now known as Cairo, to serve as their capital. At its height, their Empire was a center of learning, art, and religious tolerance, but by 1171 it had collapsed in civil strife and rebellion, and the torch passed to others.


This second most holiest Islamic city is also the burial site of Prophet Muhammad.  

What is Medina?


What does the term "Shafa'ah" refer to in Islamic belief?

What is intercession?


This African country hosted the Ismaili Leaders' Forum in 2023, focusing on youth leadership and empowerment.

What is Kenya?


This groundbreaking scientist is known for her work on radioactivity and was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, achieving this honor twice.

What is Mari Curie?


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Like other Muslims, Isma'ilis consider the Quran to be the revealed word of God. How do Isma'ilis interpret the Quran?

 (A.) As having both surface and hidden meanings

 (B.) As being literally true, with no need to read between the lines

 (C.) As important literature, but not as a guide for life

 (D.) As a puzzle that each believer must solve on his or her own

Answer: As having both surface and hidden meanings

In this view, some of the Quran's teachings are visible and apparent on the surface; these are called "zahir." But there are also layers of hidden meanings - "batin" - that inform and illuminate faith and practice. Muhammad's son-in-law, Ali, is widely quoted as having said that each part of the Quran bears witness to the others, and each part makes the others more clear. Zahir and batin can thus be seen as complementary parts.


This historical event in 622 CE marks the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, establishing the Muslim calendar.

What is Hijra?


This concept represents the Ismaili belief in the ongoing interpretation of faith through the Imam.

What is Imamat? 

This event is making a comeback in 2024 since before the pandemic that aims to alleviate Global Poverty

What is Partnership Walk/Aga Khan Foundation Walk?


I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?

What is echo?
