
True or False: All deaf people understand sign language.

FALSE: With technology and majority being mainstreamed in their home schools, there are many who do not use sign language to communicate.


True or False: Some deaf people cannot talk.

FALSE: People who are deaf can talk, but some choose not to use their voice because they cannot hear it to regulate clarity, pronunciation, tone and loudness.


True or False: All people with hearing loss benefit from a hearing aid?

FALSE: The effectiveness of hearing aids depends on degree of hearing loss, auditory training and tolerance of sound amplification.


True or False: Sign Language is the same all over the world.

Just as there are different spoken languages, there are different sign languages. In Canada and United States, they use American Sign Language. In England, they use British Sign Language and in Japan, Japanese Sign Language.

Where was the first free deaf school in America?

Hartford, CT

American School for the Deaf. Established in 1817


True or False: Deaf people can have a job.

TRUE There are deaf lawyers, doctors, dentists, engineers artists, scientists, business owners, pilots, politicians as well as other career fields of employment


True or False: It is not safe to have deaf drivers on the road.

FALSE: Deaf drivers are as safe as any other driver. Some say because they rely on their vision that they are safer drivers.


True or False: Many Deaf people enjoy music.

TRUE: Some deaf people play musical instruments and may enjoy dancing, sign singing and watching captioned music videos. Members of some dance troupe rely upon sounds amplification or vibrations to follow the music.


True or False: Hearing Aids mean that deaf people can hear everything clearly.

FALSE: Hearing Aids amplify everything especially the vowel sounds. To hear words, it is the consonants that changes words such as cub, tub, sub or cat, hat, bat.


True or False: ASL is English in sign form.

False: ASL, has its own grammatical structure that is different from spoken English, and uses signs, fingerspelling, facial expressions, and body movement to convey meaning.


True or False: Deaf people can speak to people on the phone.

TRUE: Some deaf people can amplify the phone enough to hear on the phone. Others rely on relay video service that utilizes a sign language interpreter to assist with communication. Some phones type what is being said plus there is also texting.


True or False: It is no longer correct to use the terms “deafmute” or “deaf and dumb.”

TRUE: These terms are considered insulting and out of date. The generally accepted terminology is people who are deaf or hard of hearing. “The term “hearing impaired” is also not encouraged to be used as well.


True or False: Deaf people can go to a university or college.

TRUE: Many go on to more schooling after high school and become professionals.


True or False: All deaf people can lip-read.

FALSE: Lip-reading is a difficult skill to master. Success depends on the speaker’s presentation and the listener knowledge and visual acuity as well as the environment conversation is given.


The huddle was invited by a quarterback who was deaf. Why was it invented by him?

The huddle was started in 1892 by Paul Hubbard.

Paul Hubbard was a quarterback at Gallaudet University and didn’t want people on opposing teams to see his team’s signs.

Thus the first huddle started, and since then the huddle has been a reoccurring part of many sports teams.


True or False: All deaf people are the same.

FALSE: Such as all hearing people are individuals, so are deaf people. Some wear hearing aids, cochlear implants, Bone Anchored Hearing Aids or none. Some have different nationalities, have different interests, etc.


True or False: All deaf people can read Braille.

FALSE: People who are blind read Braille. Deaf people who have visual problems may also read Braille.


True or False: Deaf people are unable to live independently.

FALSE: As with hearing people, a good education makes it possible for deaf individuals to be independent and a contributing member of society.


What percentage of English speech sounds is actually visible on the lips?


English is not a particularly easy language to speech read.


To get a Deaf person’s attention who is looking the other way, you should:

Tap him/her on the shoulder


Where do you look when utilizing a sign language interpreter?

When you talk, you look at the individual who is deaf.

Historically, American Sign Language most similar to what form of sign language?

French Sign Language

A French Deaf man, Laurent Clerc, was brought over to teach deaf students in United States.


American Sign Language is used by most Deaf people in which of the following countries?

Canada and United States

Other countries have their own sign language such as Japanese Sign Language and British Sign Language.


What percent of Deaf people have Deaf parents?


Majority of babies with hearing loss are born to hearing parents with no family history of hearing loss.


While watching another person sign, it is appropriate to focus on the signer’s:


A lot of the meanings and grammar of American Sign Language comes from facial expressions.
