True or False:
Deaf Lit is always printed
In what decade was ASL and Deaf studies classes offered within colleges and universities?
What was Gallaudet previously called?
American School for the Deaf
Historically, Deaf individuals did not identify with the disabled community.
What is the name of the group responsible for Deaflympics?
This is a celebration of Deaf culture or tales of struggles in overcoming deafness in writing form.
What is the previous Deaf value?
Residential schools and Deaf clubs
What grades does Gallaudet teach?
This act improved opportunities to attend college with appropriate services, interpreters, and access to visual information at public agencies.
Rehab Act of 1973
What is the difference between deaf and Deaf?
deaf means the state of lost hearing and/or the medical term of hearing loss, whereas Deaf means identifying with the Deaf community and their norms and values.
What are some characteristics of Deaf comedies?
Sign play and visual properties of ASL (dirty jokes)
What are the core values of Deaf culture?
Full access to communication
Information Sharing
Healthy Identity Formation
Self Determination
What year did Deaf President Now occur?
What does the ADA do?
What are the differences of BASL compared to ASL?
BASL may use different signs and phrases, they use a larger signing space, they use two handed signs compared to just one, they use repetition of signs, and there is limited mouthing of words.
What does De'VIA stand for?
De - Deaf & Deaf-Blind Expression of Affirmation, Resistance, and Liberation
V - View of how Deaf & Deaf-Blind experience the world
I - Images/Motifs/Symbols of the Deaf Experience
A - Art, Activism, Aesthetics, and Authentic Expressions of the Deaf Experience
Who helped come up with the idea of name signs?
Kathryn Meadow-Orlans
Which president signed a charter bill into law that allowed Gallaudet to be federally fundeed?
Abraham Lincoln
What did the IDEA act do?
increased access to communication, but horrible for the community due to FAPE and LRE
What are the three possible outcomes of the future of the Deaf community?
Thriving future, possible eradication, and a shift from a cultural entity to a disability-based group
What is the name of the Deaf actor who played Harold Hill in the Music Man video we watched?
Daniel Durant
What is the current Deaf value?
Which two men founded Gallaudet University?
Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and Laurent Clerc
Why do members of the Deaf community choose to not identify as "disabled"?
They feel as though the term isn't positive and shows them as being broken and needing fixing that then led to some being put in rehabilitative services.
What are the five hallmarks of a culture?