True or false? Sometimes our anxiety can make pain seem worse than it actually is.
true or false? sleep is the most optimal time for muscle growth
So, if you're experiencing pain (from injury or sickness), sleep is even more important than usual.
cutting out _____ and _____ can be helpful to those who struggle with sleep. (remember we need sleep to heal)
A) water and veggies
B) gluten and carbs
C). alcohol and caffeine
C). alcohol and caffeine
both alcohol and caffeine can disrupt sleep schedules, which is especially bad when you're dealing with pain.
true or false? endorphins are the body's natural pain killer.
endorphins help protect us from pain! there are even cheat codes to making your brain release endorphins when you need them!
How should you manage anxiety surrounding pain?
A) dance
B) drink a soda
C)practice breathing techniques/deep breathing
C). practice breathing techniques/deep breathing
deep breathing is a great way to slow down your heart rate, which helps calm us back down.
How do we ensure we get all the proper nutrients for healing and immunity?
A). standing in the rain
B). running
C). eating a healthy diet
C). eating a healthy diet
fruits and veggies contain important vitamins and nutrients that are needed for healing/recovery and immunity.
If I'm experiencing pain, I can ______ to soothe my muscles.
A). have a dance party
B). take a warm bath
C). wear tight clothing
B). take a warm bath
warm baths are great for soothing muscles and they can also ease anxiety. bonus points if you add Epsom salts!
Which of the following is a way to make our body release endorphins (a natural painkiller)?
A). consuming caffeine
B). crafting
C). eating something yummy (especially dark chocolate)
C). Eating something yummy (especially dark chocolate)
Eating good and healthy food releases endorphins! Dark chocolate even contains a compound that encourages endorphin release.
If you're experiencing anxiety due to pain, you should
A). stress eat
B). scream it out
C). meditate
C). Meditate
Meditation is a great grounding tool that helps us calm down.
How do our bodies recharge?
A). laughter
B). crying
C). when we sleep
C). when we sleep
If we don't get enough sleep, we'll likely be groggy the next day and won't recover from any physically strenuous activity.
true or false? doing a brain stimulating activity can distract you from mild/moderate pain.
In some instances, brain stimulating activities can distract us from the pain we're feeling. A word search is a good example of a brain stimulating activity.
Which of the following DOES NOT release endorphins, and therefore, will not help with pain?
A). getting a massage
B). mild exercise
C). watching a movie
C). watching a movie (does not release endorphins)
Both mild exercise and massages can release endorphins and help with pain!
True or false? Mindfulness is a grounding/mediation technique that can help with pain.
True! Mindfulness helps us be present and prevents catastrophizing.
true or false? if you experience chronic (long-term) pain, being overweight can worsen that pain.
being overweight can worsen some pain and it can also prolong recovery time, as it makes it harder to be physically active for some.
True or false? Avoiding stressful situations when possible is important for managing pain.
Stress should be avoided whenever possible, as it can worsen pain. This may look like taking some alone time when you're hurting or avoiding conflict with peers.
True or false? Laughing releases endorphins.
True! Getting a good belly laugh releases happy chemicals and endorphins in your brain that help with pain.
True or false? Meditation (to help with pain) can be done anywhere.
Many of us think mediation has to be stereotypical (sitting on the floor, etc.) However, mediation can be as simple as closing your eyes and grounding. You could even do that in a dr. office waiting room!
True or false? It's okay to take OTC (over the counter) medicine consistently, every day.
If possible, try to find other ways to manage pain! OTC meds are meant to be used for short-term pain and illness.
Which of the following can help with pain?
A). a heating pad
B). an ice pack
C). doing stretches
D). all of the above
D). all of the above
heating pads, ice packs, and stretches/mild exercise are all great tools for dealing with pain. Remember, if you don't have a heating pad or an ice pack, you can improvise!
True or false? Getting sunlight releases endorphins
True! Humans are kinda like plants, we need sunlight too. If it's cold outside, you can sit in front of a window to get sunlight.