What happened to Tison's wife?
She receives burns from a fire
When Justyce goes to SJ's house, what does he tell her?
He likes her
What is Jus's new roommate like?
Rich, white, rude, judgmental
What happened to Tison's house?
It was set on fire
What happens at graduation? Who comes to speak to Justyce?
The cops question Justyce
What state is Yale in?
During the trial, what does the defense attorney focus on?
Manny and Jus' violence toward Jared and Blake
Who is Jus' alibi? Who was he with on May 20th?
His girlfriend, SJ
Why does Justyce's mother refuse to shake SJ's dad's hand?
He is white
What happened to Tison?
He is killed in jail
What has Justyce learned from his "Dear Martin" experiment?
He needs to focus on who he is, and have a goal in mind when writing.
What is Jared's new major?
Civil Rights Law
What was the outcome of the trial?
Tison was guilty on three charges; a mistrial was declared for the fourth
Who does Justyce see at Manny's grave? How has that person changed?
Jared--he now cares about racial injustices after Manny's death
What state is SJ's college in?