Stages of Death and Dying
Providers own frustrations, fears and difficulties in treating dying patients
4 Fears of Dying
Self-Dtermination Act of 1990
Medical Power of Attorney's and Living Wills
This can't be true, the test results are wrong, that Dr. doesn't know anything are all examples of what.
What is the Denial stage of the 5 Stages of death
What is the phenomenon generally associated with the "cost of caring" for others?
What is Compassion fatigue
The Phase of Death where all cellular activity stops
What is Biological Death
What is the date the Patient Self-Determination Act was introduced?
What is June 18, 1990
What is a living will?
What is a written document that states a person's desire to not be kept alive by artificial means and to die naturally
Who was the author of the 5 Stages of Death and Dying
Who Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
This has been shown to decrease depression and anxiety while boosting empathy.
What is mindfulness meditation
What is the last sense lost before death?
What is hearing
This act allows a person 18 years old or older of sound mind to make a gift of any part of their body for purposes of medical research and treatment
What is the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
Are advanced directives the sames for all states?
What is All states have laws about Advanced Directives. however not under the same name. You need to know your state's requirements for writing one. ALL states do require at least one adult relative to witness the signature and date.
Name the 5 Stages of death
What is Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
Name another name for compassion fatigue that comes from caring for people who are experiencing traume.
What is Secondary traumatic stress
Phase of death where respiration stops and the heart stops beating.
What is Clinical Death
What are 3 examples of the rights you should have as a patient.
What is 1-- to receive or refuse treatment 2-- to participate in decisions 3-- to prepare advanced directives
A precaution made by a competent adult granting another individual the power to make heath care decisions in the event they cannot communicate.
What is a Medical Power of Attorney
Who is the bargained with the most during the bargaining stage of the 5 stages of death
Who is God
Research suggests by doing this activity it will help prevent compassion fatigue
What is keeping a journal
A fear of death resulting from unfinished goals
What is Regret
Describe what an Advanced Directive is.
What is written instructions of the patient's wishes to be carried out as they approach death
Another name for an individual given power of attorney over someone else's medical decisions. Describe the traits of this person.
What is a Proxy or Agent. They must be trustworthy, and able to act in a time of stress, uncertainty and sadness
This stage involves blaming everyone for you illness and feeling why did you have this and someone else doesn't.
What is the Anger Stage
What is kinesthetic relaxation techiniques? Give examples
What is a daily act of self-centering. Set an alarm for 12:00 and take 4 deep breaths, or when you wash your hands, feel the sensation of the water on your skin
Massive amount of this hormone are released from pineal gland during death, resulting in halucinations.
What is DMT
This law was passed in 1990 stating that patients receiving medical care must be given written information on there rights as a patient, including advanced directives
What is The Patient Self Determmination Act
When, What, and Who should be told about your Advanced Directives.
What is at the time of admittance into a hospital, nursing home, and all other health care agencies. They should be told of the Advanced Directives and what family members and friends should be contacted in the event of an emergency