Withhold efforts if
Stop efforts if
Special Considerations

A patient is found with an obvious fatal wound, his head has been cut off at the neck. What is the term for his condition.

What is decapitation?

You are performing CPR on a patient in a nursing home. a physician from Boise walks into the room and questions the on duty captain how long efforts been ongoing. He wishes to pronounce the patient dead. Can he?

No, must be a licensed Utah physician.


A patient has died while drowning in a pool. He is asystole but has a low temp after 20 minutes. Should you consider continuing efforts?

Yes, make them warm and dead.


You attempt to move the patient from his chair to the floor to begin compressions. His joints are stiff and feel immovable. He has this condition.

What is rigor mortis?


An OLMC physician has ordered termination of efforts. Should efforts be terminated? 



You are dispatched to a pregnant woman in cardiac arrest that is 33 weeks pregnant.  What considerations should be made for this patient?

They should be transported regardless if the mother is salvageable or not, the child may be.


A DNR is presented by the patients wife. DNR stands for this.

What is Do Not Resuscitate? 


The patients wife claimed she had a DNR, but was unable to produce the DNR. You start compressions. 2 minutes later she produces the DNR from the home safe. Should you terminate efforts?



A patient has been struck by lightning.  And is in an unshockable rhythm after 20 minutes of resuscitation efforts. Should resuscitation efforts be stopped?

No prolonged resuscitation efforts should be continued or the patient should be transported with ongoing efforts.


The patient is pulseless and was last seen alive 12 hours prior to call. This is the time limit we should not start CPR for an unwitnessed arrest.

What is 15 minutes?


A patient has been in asystole for this many minutes. He also unwitnessed arrest, and has not had rosc once. Resuscitations should be stopped.

What is 20?


You are transporting a patient with a massive inferior stemi to the hospital. 5 minutes in you lose pulses, what should you do.

CPR to hospital, no one "dies in route".
