Chug, Chug, Chug
Complex Fire Hazard
The Shakes
Blackouts cannot be recalled.
True! There will be the occasional case where someone claims to remember the night before, but those are called false memories and are a fabrication of the mind.
Is an e-cigarette a tobacco product?
Yes, e-cigarettes are manufactured and produced by tobacco companies, and most contain tobacco as well.
Addiction is...
...being entirely consumed by something that is also having negatively consequences on your well-being and not being able to stop.

Men and women of the same weight, and height become intoxicated at the same rate.

False, because women tend to have a slightly higher proportion of fat to lean muscle tissue, the concentration of alcohol is easier in their lower percentage of body water.

E-cigarettes are used to stop smoking.
E-cigarettes are not FDA approved as a method to quit or even lessen the amount of smoking.

Addiction only pertains to drugs.

An addiction is a broad term. Here are some non drug related examples: food, exercising, working (workaholic), etc.

You can sober up quickly.
Only time helps with that. Your BAC cannot be hurried by any outside force. Often times, people think it does because the myth has been re-told over and over again. But it's most likely just the Placebo effect.

E-cigarettes are a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes.

When smoking an e-cigarette, you are smoking through a battery - something you can't even throw away in a regular trash can. At least with smoking cigarettes, you know your chances?

Addiction is a matter of self-control.
The main factor in addiction is not self-restraint. Once a person is isolated from society, friends, and things that provide enjoyment, often times, the one things that can create faux happiness is drugs. In fact there was a study about this...

Drinking in a celebratory fashion for a special occasion, or just to relax after a hard day. "Responsible drinking" without intent to become intoxicated.

Social drinking~
E-cigarettes do not expose others to secondhand smoke.
False, the vapor emitted by e-cigarettes contains carcinogens, but little is known about this smoke, or the potential harm they can cause. 
People who are addicted to something can stop whenever they wish.
False, there is a physical, and mental chain that connects people to addiction. Going cold turkey isn't an effective way to quit an addiction.
What does eating a big meal before drinking alcohol do?
There is a misconception that it will help to keep you sober, but rather than restricting it all together, it delays, the alcohol absorption into your bloodstream.
The intention of e-cigarettes is to provide an alternative to regular cigarettes.
The use of e-cigarettes are actually meant to be a "starter" to traditional cigarettes.
Recovery resources are available, so addicts should be able to recover.
Many rehabilitation centers seek to terminate an addiction instantly. But an addiction is not something that can be solved simply.