This is Judah's date of birth.
When is April 9th, 2009.
This is a beach/park in western Michigan where the Deaton family travels every summer.
What is Hoffmaster Park?
This movie about a girl leaving home features ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, and quicksand.
What is Tangled?
What is the name of Judah's pet snake?
This is a city in northern Michigan featuring a large bridge, where the Deaton family travels every summer.
What is Mackinaw City?
This Pixar movie which was released in 2001, is about a little girl who was kidnapped by monsters.
What is Monsters Inc?
This is Judah's favorite Candy.
What is Snickers?
This is the name of the theme park that the Deaton family travels to every October.
What is Cedar Point?
This is the original show featuring Sheldon Cooper, first airing from the late 2000's - early 2010's.
What is the Big Bang Theory?
These events from history are Judah's Roman Empire. One being a battle in World War 2, and the other took place in New York City.
What is D-Day and 9/11?
This is the dream travel destination of many children in the United States where the Deaton family has traveled twice.
What is Disney Wolrd?
This early 2000's academic kids show was named after a famous scientist from the 1940's
The name of the neighbors house where Judah was brutally attacked by their dog Lincoln.
Who are the Penwells?
This famous Michigan waterfall in the upper peninsula, was a one time destination for the Deaton family many years ago.
What is Tahquamenon Falls?
This is a very popular kids show that we were not allowed to watch for fear of it "melting our brains out".
What is SpongeBob Squarepants?.