The plan states...
What is the Affirmative’s policy for change, meant to address problems?
The length of constructive speeches.
What is 8 minutes?
The first speech of the debate.
What is 1AC?
The parts of the 1AC.
What are the plan, inherency, advantages, and solvency?
The goal of the AFF. The Goal of the Neg.
The inherency states...
What is a barrier in ,the status quo, preventing the adoption of the plan in the present system?
The length of rebuttal speeches.
What is 5 minutes?
The last speech of the debate.
What is 2AR?
The parts of the 1NC.
What is responding to affirmative's on case arguments and stating off case arguments?
The resolution is
What is the topic/text that is to be debated
Advantages are...
What are benefits which will result from adoption of the affirmative plan?
The length of cross ex.
What is 3 minutes?
The speech after the 2NC.
What is the 2NR?
The parts of the 2AC.
What is extending the 1AC advantages and responding to 1NC arguments?
The goal of the rebuttal is to
What is to make closing statements to the judge in order to persuade them to vote for you
The solvency states...
What is proof that the Affirmative plan will solve the harm to gain an advantage over the present system?
The first thing that the 1AC reads.
The last speech that can offer new arguments.
What is 2NC?
The parts of the 2NC.
What is extending the 1NC's arguments and responding to the 2AC's arguments?
The hardest speech in debate and why?
What is the 1AR because that speaker has 5 minutes to respond to 13 minutes worth of arguments from the Neg Block
The harms are...
What are problems in the status quo that justifies the need for the affirmative plan?
Affirmative's advantage
What is having the first and last speech of the debate?
Negative's advantage
What is the neg block?
The difference between a constructive and a rebuttal
What is a constructive includes cards whereas a rebuttal does not
The parts of impact calculus.
What are magnitude, timeframe, and probability?