Logical Fallacies
MLA Format (in-text citations)
MLA Format (Works Cited)
Research Resources

Name the logical fallacy in this scenario: Senator Flossy does not want to support a bill that allows students to go to whatever private, charter, or public school they want. Senator Meanie says that Senator Flossy does not support the bill because Flossy is a crappy politician.

What is Ad Hominem?


Name the three modes of persuasion.

What is ethos, pathos, and logos?


Correct this citation (it is a book):

According to Dr. Everett of Tulsa University, "The average Minnesotan household eats 50 chocolate chips per month." (11).

ANSWER: According to Dr. Everett of Tulsa University, "The average Minnesotan household eats 50 chocolate chips per month" (11).

Open up a fresh Google Doc on 1 person's iPad. Add the title of the works cited page.

(Needs to be centered, on the first line, and say Works Cited)


Name one database you have on classlink to do research.

What is Britannica School, Culture Grams, Explora Teens, Gale in Context, Global Issues in Context, Opposing Viewpoints, Scholastic Go, Science Reference Center, Points of View Reference Center.


Name the logical fallacy: A student swears in Ms. Toso's class. Ms. Toso invites the student into the hallway to have a conversation. When Ms. Toso asks the student in the hallway why they swore, they respond, "Well, I swore because I heard somebody else swear."

What is bandwagon?


The style of debate we did in class (NOT 2v2) (hint: a president's name)

What is Lincoln-Douglass Debate?


Correct this citation (it's a book):

This is proven by the fact that "studies show if you read for 20 minutes each day, you acquire 20,000 more vocabulary words than people who read zero minutes per day" (Toso, 234).


This is proven by the fact that "studies show if you read for 20 minutes each day, you acquire 20,000 more vocabulary words than people who read zero minutes per day" (Toso 234).


Name the format we used for the Works Cited page (hint: 3 letters).

What is MLA?


Name two databases you have in ClassLink to do research.

What is Britannica School, Culture Grams, Explora Teens, Gale in Context, Global Issues in Context, Opposing Viewpoints, Scholastic Go, Science Reference Center, Points of View Reference Center.


Name that logical fallacy: A mother and daughter are chatting. The daughter says, "I'm so hurt that Todd broke up with me, Mom." The mother responds, "Just think of all the starving children around the world, honey. Your problems will seem pretty insignificant then."

What is Red Herring (and straight up insulting)?


DAILY DOUBLE: The purpose of the cross-examination (specifically the people who ask the questions).

What is (some explanation about how it is to ask questions that show flaws/weaknesses in an opponent's argument)?


Correct this citation (it's a journal article):

According to an article from The Atlantic, "An apple a day does not keep the doctor away. It is a myth." (The Atlantic, page 2).

According to an article from The Atlantic, "An apple a day does not keep the doctor away. It is a myth" (Smith 2).


(Toso open the examples tab) select which example is correct MLA Works Cited format.

(Toso will reveal)


Pick a different question. (no points)

(no points)


Name the logical fallacy AND EXPLAIN how it is that fallacy: Jonas, somebody not in Ms. Kloos's math class, saw Ms. Kloos yelling at her class one day. Jonas went and told everybody that Ms. Kloos always yells.

What is hasty generalization? (explanation should include how the assumption is based on one set of data)


Name the final section/part of the debate (example: the first part is the introduction) AND if it is the negative or affirmative who speaks last.

What is negative presents the rebuttal?


Correct this in-text citation (website article):               Representative Robert Scott, chair of the house committee on education and labor, stated, “today a full-time worker cannot afford a modest, 2-bedroom apartment in any county in the US,” (Corpuz).


Representative Robert Scott, chair of the house committee on education and labor, stated, “today a full-time worker cannot afford a modest, 2-bedroom apartment in any county in the US” (Corpuz).




(Toso open example w/first entry "13 Positive Effects...") Explain what is wrong with this Works Cited page's format (4 overall mistakes).

URLs are blue and underlined - should be black and not underlined, URLs should be partially moved up one line (no blank space), 2nd entry (American academy of...") should be: American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, should delete extra space between entries.


The way to tell search engines to NOT include results that have a certain thing.

What is the negative sign?


Name the logical fallacy AND explain how it is that fallacy: If we reform healthcare, then the government will take over our lives.

What is hasty generalization? (explanation should include why one event does not logically lead to another)


Give an explanation of a real-life scenario where you would have to use your debate skills. Explain in detail.

(clearly explains scenario that includes debate skills such as research, writing an introduction, cross-examination, using ethos/pathos/logos, etc.)


Correct this in-text citation: Additionally, an article covering the benefits of increasing the minimum wage states, “this minimum wage increase would provide a significant and much needed boost to the earnings of low wage workers.” (Smith)

CORRECTION: Additionally, an article covering the benefits of increasing the minimum wage states, “This minimum wage increase would provide a significant and much needed boost to the earnings of low wage workers” (Smith).


DAILY DOUBLE: (Toso open example Corpez, Victor N) Correct the mistakes on this Works Cited page (5 overall mistakes).

Works Cited is not size 12 font, too much space between text and right margin, all URLs need to fill part of blank lines before it, extra space between all entries needs to be deleted, ProCon.org in entry 3 should be deleted (they aren't an author), (okay if you missed this: Jul. should be July in entry 4).


The way to have search results only show what you are searching for.

What is add quote marks around words?
