Debate Pieces
What is debate?
The Great Debates
I think I can...
Debate Styles

To discuss a question by considering an opposing argument is called a _____________. 

What is a debate?


An investigation by reasoning or argumentation is called a _________. 

What is a discussion?

Debates in the Middle Ages changed history, because humans began to question science versus _______.  (which is still debated today).

What is religion (or the church)?


Being able to determine what a good debate versus a bad debate sounds like is using __________.

What is logic?


A debate in which you examine your own thoughts and reasoning as well as being able consider the needs of your audience is called the ____________. (think 2 faced debate)

What is the Janus-faced discipline? (p. 22)


The following is an example of a _________.

"Tacos are better than hamburgers."

What is a proposition?


A _________ debate takes place before a judge and follows a set of rules.

What is a formal debate?


This person debated the kind of power a government should have and for the first time debated that citizens should be able to abolish a government if the government was not protecting the rights of the people.

Who was John Locke?


Interjecting personality, humor, or beauty into a debate is called ____________.

What is rhetoric?


__________ is when you use many quotes and stories on general themes such as love and hate, justice and injustice, bravery and cowardice, etc.  

What is copiousness?


When you are ____________, you never take your own side in an argument.

What is objective?


A formal debate does not inject your _____________ into the discussion.

What are personal beliefs?


This great debater often discussed morality and what good means.  He was eventually executed for going against the teaching of Athens and their beliefs on religion.

Who was Socrates?


When you evaluate the beliefs, statements, or rational standards of debate you are ________________. 

What is critical thinking?


This style of debate is almost mathematical because it is very straightforward in style. The statements used in this debate are accepted by (almost everyone) as true.

What is deductive logic?


The affirmative team must address any ___________ during its opening speech.

What are definitions?


Debates must have these 3 things:


A _________, 

and S________. 

What are honesty, accuracy, and sincerity?


___________ believed that communism used to deal with class wars and revolutions was the key to creating a superior economic system.

Who was Karl Marx?


The following statements are called _________. 

"A democracy is an entity that thrives on an informed citizenry. America is a democracy.  Therefore, America is an entity that thrives only through an informed citizenry."

What is a priori statements?


The strategy that uses four questions pertaining to conjecture, definition, quality, and policy in order to determine the real issue at hand is called the ___________.

What is stasis theory?


Attacking the opponent's arguments and evidence while defending one's own is called a __________. 

What is a rebuttal?


When we remove personal belief statements from a debate, it is important to replace them with _______ or ________ from others with authority on the subject.

What are quotes or stories?


The debate over slavery in the United States caused the Southern states to debate whether the South had the right to secede from the Union.  This debate created a __________.

What is a Civil War?


During a debate, the opposing team uses information that you know is no longer true and has been scientifically proven wrong recently.  This type of rebuttal is known as ______________.

What is lacking relevance?

Be able to write out both quotes you have memorized with the author's name!