What was John Scopes accused of teaching?
Series of storms that hit the Midwest causing enormous clouds of dust to be formed by the high winds
Dust Bowl
Trumpeter and singer from New Orleans
Louis Armstrong
Popular music in the 1920s from Louisiana and Mississippi
What type of teacher was John Scopes?
Substitute Teacher
Where does the banks get their money to lend people?
People's accounts
What type of plans allowed consumers to pay a little at time rather than all at once?
Installment Plans
What amendment overturned the the 18th Amendment?
21st Amendment
Made alcohol illegally
What amendment was being violated when public schools taught from the Bible?
1st Amendment
Investors bought stocks for only a portion of the price and borrow the difference and pay interest on their loan
Buying on the Margin
Farmers, warehouse workers were producing too many products and prices fell.
What do business to do before closing down to cut costs?
Layoff workers
Secret clubs that sold alcohol
Belief that everything in the Bible should be taken as the literal truth
Belief that the government should not regulate the economy but instead should allow the market to do so (let it be)
What was a bad thing to buy on credit during the 1920s?
Young rebellious women in the 1920's
What was the name of the crime that was committed by mobs and mafias in the 1920s?
What state did the Scopes Trial occur in?
High risk investments in hopes of earning high returns on their money (predict)
Most people spent every dollar they had instead of saving
What was the name for the Scandal that involved Warren G. Harding's Adminstration?
Teapot Dome Scandal
Group of writers that felt lost in a society of greed and corruption
Lost Generation