
A 4-year-old girl was diagnosed with chicken pox 15 days ago with her parents, who are concerned that their daughter continues to develop new lesions. They describe that she "seems to keep getting new groups of itchy bumps". On exam, her most recent lesions appear as 2-4 mm rounded, reddish-brown macules and papules. older lesions, some of which are beginning to crust, are both vesicular and necrotic in nature. Lesions are most prominent on the trunk and are symmetrically distributed over the proximal thighs and flexor surfaces of the arms. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment?

A. Topical steroids

B. Systemic steroids

C. Oral Erythromycin

D. Antihistamines



C. Oral erythromycin

A 16 year old teen male presents to  your office with a large, firm 2 cm testicular mass. A subsequent U/s confirms the presence of a solid mass. which of the following is the most appropriate next step?

A. Orchiectomy with trans scrotal approach

B. BM biopsy for mets

C. Measurement of serum beta hcg and alpha fetoprotein

D. Referral to fertility clinic to discuss sperm banking

E. Needle biopsy of mass for pathologic evaluation. 

C. Measurement of serum beta hcg and alpha fetoprotein


A 16 yo girl presents with a 2-3 week history of nausea, bilious vomiting, and intercurrent abdominal pain. she reports relief of pain when lying on her left side in a knee-chest positioning. her BMI is in the 5th % and she reports trying to lose weight. Evaluation includes an UGI series, which showed a mechanical obstruction in the 3rd portion of the duodenum and a dilated stomach. Which of the following disorders is most commonly associated with her likely diagnosis?



C. Anorexia

D. Small bowel lymphoma

E. Wilson syndrome

C. Anorexia

A 8-year-old girl presents with a hx of intermittent headaches. They are described as pounding, moderate in intensity, and located in the b/l frontal area. She has no aura and frequently experiences nausea and vomiting. there is associated photo and phonophobia. Which of the patient's symptoms is seen more frequently in kids who have migraines compared to adults with migraines?

A. Presence of aura

B. Osmophobia

C. Photophobia

D. Bilateral pain

E. Phonophobia

D. Bilateral pain


A 16 year old girl presents to office for a new complaint of recurrent syncope over the past several months. She is on no meds and has a normal neuro exam. Lytes are normal. EKG is below. Based on this tracing, you should initiate therapy with which of the following?

A. High dose ASA

B. Nadolol

C. Glucose insulin drip

D. Fludrocortisone

E. Amiodarone

B. Nadolol


A 19 year old male with Crohn's disease presents with c/o "painful ulcer that won't get better" on his left shin. He was kicked in the shin while playing soccer. It has only worsened since, despite use of a topical antibiotic ointment. On exam, there is a 4 cm ulcer with overhanging, gray border of skin on the left lower leg. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?

A. Steroids


C. Cephalexin

D. Ketoconazole

E. Valacyclovir

A. Steroids


A 4-year-old boy presents to the ED after awakening in the morning " covered with bruises". His parents state that he appeared well throughout the previous day and denies trauma, daily meds, or allergies. Generalized petechiae and purpura are noted on the exam, which is otherwise normal. Which of the following would most likely be identified on peripheral smear if this patient's clinical findings were due to ITP?

A. Normal sized or large platelets

B. Micro thrombocytes

C. White blood cell inclusions

D. Schistocytes

E. Toxic granulations

A. Normal sized or large platelets


A 7-week-old infant returns in follow up for continued vomiting of feeds. weight is decreased by 3oz since last visit 6 days prior. On U/s, both the pyloric muscle thickness and length are greater than expected. These findings are known to occur with increased frequency among which of the following?

A. Female

B. Asian decent

C. Offspring of an affected parent

D. Post term births

E. Advanced maternal age 

C. Offspring of an affected parent


A 16-year-old boy who is being treated for new onset focal epilepsy is admitted for SI. During routine labs, his AED level is within normal range. However, he is noted to be hyponatremic with Na level of 129. Which of the following medications is most often associated with this finding?

A. Oxcarbazepine

B. Phenytoin

C. Levetiracetam

D. Gabapentin

E. Valproate 

A. Oxcarbazepine


An infant with severe cyanosis presents. For which of the following conditions would a balloon atrial septostomy be helpful?

A. A large VSD


C. Anomalous pulmonary venous return without obstruction

D. Truncus arteriosis

E. Tetralogy of Fallot



A 15-year-old Black male with albinism and decreased visual acuity presents for health maintenance examination. Exam show red hair, red/brown skin, multiple pigmented nevi and freckles. Which of the following is a common associated finding?

A. Nystagmus

B. Coloboma of iris

C. Ptosis and miosis

D. Macular degeneration

E. Conjunctival telangiectasia 

A. Nystagmus

A 3-year-old boy presents with fussiness, diarrhea, widespread lymphadenopathy, and 3 "knots" on his skull. there has been no known trauma and no history of fever or URI symptoms. On exam, he is afebrile and alert but clingy. The skull lesions are non tender. The abdomen is distended, and a firm mass is noted in the left flank. Which metastatic disease is most likely associated with these findings?

A. Neuroblastoma

B. Hodgkin lymphoma


D. Wilms tumor

E.  Osteosarcoma

A. Neuroblastoma


A 14-year-old girl recently diagnosed with celiac disease has been placed on a gluten free diet. She feels that this has bene preventing her from hanging out with friends and eating the same foods. therefore, she has had difficulty with the diet. In patients with celiac disease, compliance with dietary therapy is confirmed by:

A. Normal stools

B. Normal ttg and IgA levels

C. Normal serum albumin

D. Normal growth

E. Normal fecal calprotectin 

 Normal ttg and IgA levels


A 18-year-old college freshman presents for a preparticipation physical. She has a hx of seizures which is well controlled on AED. She also requests to be placed on OCP. which of the following AED could be used in conjunction with OCp without interfering with the action of the contraceptives?

A. Levetiracetam

B. Carbazepine

C. Phenytoin

D. Felbamate

E. Topiramate

A. Levetiracetam


Review this CXR in a workup for a kid with suspected CHD. It shows a "snowman sign". Which of the following best describes the anatomic anomaly typically associated with this radiographic sign?

a. Abnormal connection of the pulmonary veins

b. discordant AV and VA relationships "corrected transposition"

c. downward displacement of an abnormal tricuspid valve into the right ventricle

d. anterior deviation of the infundibular septum, resulting in vsd and subpulmonic stenosis. 

e. a single arterial trunk rising from heart.  

a. Abnormal connection of the pulmonary vei
