YHWH saves Israel from slavery in Egypt and enters into a special relationship with them
What is EXODUS / Shemoth
Verse 3: The poor in spirit will inherit this kingdom
What is the kingdom of HEAVEN
Yahushua is of this tribe
What is the tribe of JUDAH
This command forbids the taking of innocent life
What is: You shall not murder
Moshe / Moses stayed on Mt. Sinai for this long
A chapter about 2 widows that lose everything and find hope
What is RUTH
Verse 4: Those who mourn will be
This tribe was named after the firstborn of Jacob and Leah
What is the tribe of REUBEN
This prohibits the act of unfaithfulness in marriage
What is: You shall not commit adultery
Joseph had this many brothers
What is 12 BROTHERS
Accounts Yahushua's life, death, and resurrection
What is MATTHEW / Mattithyahu
Verse 5: The meek / humble will inherit the whole
What is the EARTH
They were known as the "priestly tribe"
What is the tribe of LEVI
This command emphasizes the exclusive worship of YHWH alone
What is: You shall have no other gods before Me
Methuselah was this age when he died
What is 969 YEARS OLD
The Israelites demand a king, desiring to be like the other nations
What is 1 SAMUEL / Shemu’ĕl Aleph
Verse 8: The pure in heart will see
Who is YHWH
This tribe provided judges, such as Samson
What is the tribe of DAN
This command prohibits lying and spreading false accusations about others
What is: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
Jonah was in the belly of the "great fish" for this long
What is 3 DAYS + 3 NIGHTS
Paul writes / addresses the believers about how to walk in grace, peace, and love
What is EPHESIANS / Eph`siyim
Verse 12: Because a great reward awaits us in heaven, YHWH tells us to what
This tribe did not receive a specific territory for settlement. Instead, they were scattered
What is the tribe of LEVI
This command forbids desiring what belongs to others
What is: You shall not covet
YHWH created the sun, moon and stars on this day
What is the 4TH DAY