Chap 8
Chap 9
Trivia Question
Chapter 10
Assembly and chapter 1

Define the three translators, go!

Assemblers - LLL to machine code

Compilers - HLL to machine code all at once.

Interpreters - HLL to machine code line by line


Briefly define: Data Integrity, Data privacy, and Data security

Data integrity - data must be accurate and authentic

Data privacy - data must be only available to authorised user

Data security - data must be protected and recovered.


Where are penguins found? Antarctica or Arctic. Why?

Antarctica! Because it arctic came from the Greek word Arktos, which means bear. And Antarctica basically means No bears.


Define copyright

a formal recognition of ownership of a created and published work


Give me any topic you remembered in chapter 1


Operating system contains a lot of activities. Give at least 5 of these.

User-system interface, resource management, memory management, device management, file management, secure management, error detection and recovery


Differentiate between Phishing and Pharming

Phishing - sending a suspicious email to users, and requests confidential information

Pharming - setting up fake websites which appears to be a legitimate website.


When did Facebook first launch?



State two three to include in a copyright law

-recording of the date of creation of the work

-policy to be applied in case the creator dies

-define period of time for the copyright to apply

-an agreed method of distribution of the work


Assume ACC value is: 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 

What is the new ACC value when we continuously perform these instructions: 

AND B01001100 

LSL #1

XOR #103

LSR #2

AND B01001100 - 00000100 

LSL #1 - 00001000 

XOR #103 - 01101111 

LSR #2 - 00011011


Define what utility software means. Give at least three utility software

Utility software is a program not executed as part of the normal running of the operating system but still acts as support for the operating system.

Screensaver, File compression, virus checker, disk defragmenter, backup software


Briefly define all six types of malwares

Virus - replicates itself in an active host. Can change or delete data.

Worms - replicates itself and spreads through networks without needing a host. Does not change or delete data. 

Trojan Horse - acts as a safe software but contains malware.

Spyware - keeps track of your activity without the user being aware

Keyloggers - keep tracks of user's key activities.

Ddos - disrupt network traffic by sending multiple of requests made by bots.


How many bones do sharks have?


Define the three types of software licensing

Freeware - limited access to the full service with unlimited time.

Shareware - access to full service with limited time

Open source - free and open to changes. unlimited time


Write the Fetch-decode-execute cycle using register translation notation.

MAR ← [PC]

PC ← [PC] + 1

MDR ← [[MAR]]



What does DLL stand for? How does this benefit a programmer?

Dynamic Link Library. 

It reduces the file size of the executable file. Updates the programs using that DLL file instantly when updates are made. Code reusability.


Give three ways that security is at risks naturally or without the need for malwares.

Natural disasters, User's lack of knowledge, Internal mismanagement


Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?

Marie Curie


Give five principles of the ACM/IEEE Code of conduct

Refer to page 147-148 please


What is the purpose of Control Unit

Direct the operation of the processor.

Manage and coordinate the operations of the CPU, 

Act as the "brain" of the computer, directing and coordinating the operation of all other parts of the computer

Handle all processor control signals, fetching code for instructions and providing control and timing signals


Give all six features of an IDE

Prettyprinting, Context-sensitive prompts, Dynamic syntax checks, Debugger, Code editor, Expanding and Collapsing blocks


Site two limitations of using checksum and parity check

- Can't identify what bit contains the error

- Can only read single errors. Not multiple

- Correct transmission result, but incorrect data being sent, thus, losing data integrity.


What was the name of the village in Monster's Inc?



What are some traits that AI mimic? Give at least 3 and why.

Refer to pg 153-154

Find the error and why.

A. LDD 1001

B. LDX 1002

C. LDM 1003

LDM 1003, because operand should not be an address but the actual value itself.
