marketing links producers to

a. customers

b. distributors

c. retailers

d. marketers

What is customers


the process of keeping the financial records of a business is known as

a. controlling

b. accounting

c. financing

d. bookkeeping

What is accounting


Cindy's lemonade stand sells lemonade to customers. The route that the lemonade is taking from the producer to the final consumer is

A. Direct

B. Indirect

C. Roundabout

D. Intermediary

What is Direct


Sara is a new marketing employee who is learning that the best way to listen to customers is

A. passively.

B. actively.

C. emotionally.

D. distractedly.

What is actively


Which of the following is the biggest DECA conference for high schoolers?





What is ICDC


what is the purpose of developing and using graphics in business reports?

a) to entertain the audience

b) to communicate information

c) to fill up the page layout

d) to highlight reference material

What is to communicate information


What type of tax are businesses required to pay on the profits they earn? 

a) excise

b) income

c) sales 

d) property

What is income


One business promising to do something for another business in return for receiving compensation is an example of a

A. Contract

B. Benefit

C. Enterprise

D. Treaty

what is Contract


Businesses are being socially responsible to their customers when they.....

A. Provide safe working environments

B. Contribute to community causes

C. Offer employees job training

D. Test the safety of their products

What is Test the safety of their products


What type of educational program does DECA integrate into its structure?

A) STEM education

B) Career and Technical Education 

C) Liberal Arts

D) Humanities

What is Career and Technical Education


A customer asked a salesperson whether a hair dryer purchased last month could be returned or exchanged. In order to answer the question, the salesperson should be familiar with the business's ______

A. finances

B. promotions

C. policies

D. products

What is policies


Operating expenses are defined as the:

A. Cost of goods sold

B. Cost of running a business

C. Salaries paid to managers

D. Start up expenses of a business

What is cost of running a business


During periods of economic expansion, businesses are likely to
a. stop hiring workers.
b. benefit from high interest rates.
c. reduce their profits.
d. Increase their production

What is Increase their production


Molly offers to take her new coworker out to lunch. She remembers what it was like when she was a new employee two years ago, and she wants to help her new coworker feel comfortable and welcome. What trait is Molly showing towards her new coworker?

A. Empathy

B. Sympathy

C. Judgement

D. Tact

What is Empathy


Which of the following is a primary DECA principle?

A) Innovation

B) Critical thinking

C) Problem solving

D) Ethical leadership

What is Ethical leadership


Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a marketing status report for each of the company's six regional offices. The most appropriate way to organize the information is

A. In chronological order

B. By site location

C. By sales functions

D. In reverse sequence

What is By site location


What does ROI stand for in business finance?

A) Rate of Income.

B) Return on Investment.

C) Revenue over Investment.

D) Retention of Inventory.

What is Return on Investment


Which of the following is a good reason why a business would remove a product from its product mix and replace it with another:

A) The company wants to expand its product line

B) The product has become a best seller

C) The company wants to increase its market share

D) The product has become a collectible 

What is The company wants to increase its market share


What can businesses do to best create and maintain a safe work environment?

a. respond quickly to an emergency situation

b. teach employees how to correctly use equipment

c. establish laws that employees must follow

d. develop ways to recycle production waste

What is teach employees how to correctly use equiptment


What is the official DECA tagline?

A) Leading the way in business education

B) Developing future business leaders

C) Prepare for college and careers

D) Emerging leaders and entrepreneurs

What is Emerging leaders and entrepreneurs


Why is it important for businesses to have a unique selling proposition (USP)?

Answer Choices:

a) To reduce marketing costs.

b) To differentiate from competitors.

c) To increase production speed.

d) To comply with legal regulations.

What is To differentiate from competitors


Which of the following is a tax-deductible gift:

a) stocks

b) vacation home

c) charitable donation

d) inherited items

What is charitable donation


Which of the following is a characteristic of a perfectly competitive market?

A) Few sellers.

B) Differentiated products.

C) Free entry and exit.

D) High barriers to entry.

What is Free entry and exit.


How can a business build its customers' trust and communicate its commitment to ethical practices?

A. Hire employees who have a positive attitude

B. Post its earnings on its website

C. Develop liberal business policies

D. Publish its confidentiality statement

What is Publish its confidentiality statement


What does the acronym DECA stand for?

A) Distributive Education Clubs of America

B) Dynamic Educational Commerce Association

C) Dedicated Entrepreneurs and Commerce Alliance

D) Developing Economic Careers for America

What is Distributive Education Clubs of America
