Pink (te)
What is Listening to the Great Teacher
Brown (rs)
What is Reasoning From the Scriptures
Green (jv)
What is Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's Kingdom
What is Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education
Purple (kr)
What is God's Kingdom Rules
Red (lp)
What is Life Does Have a Purpose
Green (su)
What is Survival Into a New Earth
Blue (si)
What is All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial
What is Isaiah's Prophecy - Light for All Mankind II
What is Lessons You Can Learn From the Bible
Green (kj)
What is The Nations Shall Know That I am Jehovah - How
Tan (kc)
What is Let Your Kingdom Come
Red (sh)
What is Mankind's Search for God
What is Come Be My Follower
What is Imitate Their Faith
Year of first Pioneer Service School
What is 1977
Year Awake! permanently in full color
What is 1987
Year literature offered without charge
What is 1990
term “presiding overseer” replaced by “coordinator of the body of elders”
What is 2009
JW Broadcasting launched
What is 2014
Congregation oversight was assigned to a body of elders instead of to one congregation overseer
What is 1972
Year public speakers directed to use outlines provided by Branch
What is 1981
Year Internet began Used by JW
What is 1997
The Watchtower begins public and study editions
What is 2008
School for Kingdom Evangelizers created
What is 2015