Most of the action in the battle book Secret Coders takes place in a school. What is the name of the school?
Stately Academy
Where does Chasing Vermeer take place?
Chicago, Hyde Park
In which, book was it said "faith is stronger than gold"
I survived San Francisco Earthquake, by Lauren Tarshis
What is Leo's prize possession?
A gold nugget
In Chasing Vermeer,
What did each of three people get delivered to their door?
A letter
Stately Academy in the battle book Secret Coders is supposed to be the "best school in town", but the main character, Hopper, thinks it looks like what?
A haunted house
In what month were the three letters sent out?
In Which book, what does Hopper think might be in the shed?
Secret Coders, By Gene Luan Yeng
Answer is Skeletons and cash
Who saves Leo from the bricks?
Hopper, gets an unflattering nickname from another character, Josh, because she spit on Eni. What is the nickname?
Little Miss Lung Pudding
The janitor in the battle book Secret Codes repeatedly gets after the kids. What term does he call them?
What was the name of Calder and Petra's teacher?
Ms. Hussey
In Which book did the grandpa use a rattlesnake to scare off the grizzly bear?
I Survived San Francisco Earthquake, By Lauren Tarshish
How does Leo lose his gold nugget?
Fletch steels it
What happened just as Fletch and Wilkie were about to beat up Morris and Leo?
The earthquake struck
When Eni first meets Hopper, he accidentally throws what at her that hits the back of her head?
Chocolate Pudding
What were the wooden blocks that Calder carried around with him called?
In Which book were the kids assigned to write a letter to their teacher?
Chasing Vermeer, By Blue Balliett
To write a letter to Ms. Hussey, their teacher
What was Leo's job before the earthquake?
He is a paper boy
Describe the kinds of things you would see and hear at Petra’s house
Loud voices, messy house, no matching socks
The main characters Hopper and Eni are in what grade?
Seventh (7)
Who were the three people that received the three letters?
Mrs. Sharpe, Mrs. Hussey, and Mr. Watch
In Which book can a turtle robot run a leaf blower?
Secret Coders, Gene Luen Yang
What is the command gives it? PD
Why were the dogs howling?
They sensed the vibrations underground.
Why do Leo and Wilkie decide to put water on the blanket?
They need to wet it so they can save Morris