What percentage of doors have to be executed to win the Salty contest?
Early season shopper spends _x more than the late shopper
What is 2x?
In 2025, TSLs will be responsible for gaining an incremental POI once every ___ cycles.
Region leading HT in Dol % Chg
New Sweet Innovation hitting Food Lion stores
Shaq Gummies
What innovation item launches Week 5?
Jolly Rancher Freeze Dried
Team Charlotte’s national HWN ranking
What is 14th?
Starting Cycle 12, TSLs now cover on what % of Publix stores?
Cross-regional contest running until 12/15
Retail CPC Share Contest
Distribution Excellence
Name 3 of the Top 10 D82 items
Any of these: Reese King, Reese Sticks King, Kit Kat King, Payday King, IB Peppermint Gum, IB Spearmint Gum, HSY Almond Standard, IB Grape Gum, HSY Chocolate Standard, Almond Joy King
Week of 1st VAL shipment
What is week 47?
The three Publix Retail Growth Pillars for 2025 are Dynamic Routing, Selling Initiatives and _________ .
Largest $ Packtype on promo for $4.99
IC PLED Packtype
What should be on all 4 sides of a typical C95 4-way?
Side 1 (Facing AA): 12 Packs
Side 2: CPC Share
Side 3 (Facing Registers): Party Bags
Side 4: Giant Bars
Week of Easter mod flip
What is week 3?
What is Cycle 3&4’s focus item for POI?
Big Game with Share Size
Biggest Take Home Dragger
Party Bags
What packtype makes up the largest % of the total Holiday unit order?
What is our projected goal for Take Home & how are we performing as a team?
Goal: +2.4%
CLT: +1.1%
Reese’s share of Easter sales at WM
What is 14%?
In 2025, we will shift the POI focus location from a strategic location to ____________.
Thematic display based on time of year
Top 10 Hershey holiday items make up ____ % of total hershey order
Charlotte Final HWN Sell Thru