Who Am I?
Who Am I?
Text Evidence
Text Evidence

I have special equipment. I take pictures for events. 


It has four legs. It has antlers. They have babies.


I can't believe I am actually here. The towns below look so small and I can see for miles in every direction. The engine is whirring and there's a man in the aisle next to me eating chips. "Don't be afraid. It's natural to be a bit nervous." Mom said before we got on board. I'm definitely not nervous now. It's awesome. 

Where is the speaker?



Which sentence tells how Sally Ride heard that NASA was looking for astronauts?

A. Sally Ride was born on May 26, 1951 in Encino, California.

B. Her first mission was to work as an astronaut on the Challenger Space shuttle. 

C. Sally Ride was the first American woman in space on June 18, 1983.

D. In 1977, Ride saw a newspaper ad that said NASA was looking for astronauts. 

D. In 1977, Ride saw a newspaper ad that said NASA was looking for astronauts.


Which sentence gives evidence about how a bald eagle hunts?

A. Bald eagles are birds of prey.

B. Bald eagles live 20 – 30 years in the wild.

C. Bald eagles have sharp talons (claws) that they use to catch prey.

D. A bald eagle’s nest is large and can be up to eight feet wide!

C. Bald eagles have sharp talons (claws) that they use to catch prey.


I am a restaurant. There is good Japanese food. 

A chef at Osaka


I drive a truck. I have a freezer. I have ice cream. I stop at people's houses. When people are outside they run to the truck with money.

Ice cream truck


"10, 9, 8, 7..." Chelsea heard the counting and quickly jumped in. It was soft and warm but she could tell that she would be found easily there. "I know," she said to herself, and climbed out to hide somewhere else. She went to the closet in her brother's bedroom and got in. "No one will find me here" she thought. What game is Chelsea playing?

Hide and Seek


Which sentence gives evidence about a polar bear's life cycle?

A. Polar bears hunt on land or in the water.

B. Polar bear babies are born in December or January. 

C. A polar bear can smell a seal up to 20 miles away!

D. They have a thick layer of fat to keep them warm. 

B. Polar bear babies are born in December or January.


Which sentence describes how much rain deserts get?

A. Many animals who live in deserts are nocturnal (awake at night) and sleep underground in the day time.

B. A desert gets 10 inches of rain or less each year.

C. Deserts can be hot, like the Sahara Desert or cold like the Antarctic Desert at the South Pole.

D. Sometimes deserts have dust storms

B. A desert gets 10 inches of rain or less each year.


You can get in trouble for things. She makes traditional Mexican food. 

Mexican Mom


I drive a car. I drive to your house. I deliver something. I knock at your door.

Pizza Driver


Everyone at school was talking about it. They were convinced that there was something in there, something...awful. I didn't believe them and I was going to prove them all wrong. There had not been anyone living there for years. I knocked on the door. Three loud knocks. My heart froze at what happened next...

What place are all the kids talking about?

a "haunted" house


Which sentence describes how the rainforest is helpful to people who are sick?

A. Scientists think that half of Earth's plants and animals live in the rainforest.

B. Rainforest get 75 inches of rain or more each year!

C. Plants in the rainforest help scientists make new medicines. 

D. There are three layers in the rainforest: the canopy, the understory, and the forest floor. 

C. Plants in the rainforest help scientists make new medicines.


Which sentence tells about why ravioli had no tomato sauce for a few hundred years?

A. Tomato sauce was not used in Italy until the 1500s when tomatoes were first brought into the country.

B. No one knows for sure where ravioli was first made.

C. Most think that ravioli was invented in Italy in the 1300s.

D. In 1549, Bartolomeo Scappu, a famous chef, served ravioli to the pope in Rome.

A. Tomato sauce was not used in Italy until the 1500s when tomatoes were first brought into the country.


I take care of crying kids. I make food. I stay for hours.



I wear a white coat. I need to use tools like a stethoscope. Sometimes I have to give my patients a shot. 



It was the day after my math test and we were just sitting down at the table in my favourite restaurant, The Royal Dragon. My dad always took me there to celebrate. We had gone there when I won my first race in second grade, and when I learned how to ride a bike. "Choose whatever you like Danny, Dad said, "You deserve it."

Why do you think Danny's dad took him there?

He did great on his math test. 


Which sentence tells about why David Strickler made a banana split?

A. Strickler was scooping ice cream when he was asked to make something different.

B. The banana split was first made in 1904 by David Strickler in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.

C. Strickler’s banana split had three scoops of ice cream: chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.

D. The banana split was similar to the sundae which was first made by Chester Platt in 1892

A. Strickler was scooping ice cream when he was asked to make something different.


Which sentence tells why Eleanor Roosevelt became famous?

A. In 1905, she married Franklin Roosevelt, and became the First Lady when he was elected president in 1933.

B. Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884 in New York City, New York.

C. In World War II, Eleanor joined the Red Cross and visited sick and wounded soldiers.

D. Eleanor believed in equal rights for all people.

A. In 1905, she married Franklin Roosevelt, and became the First Lady when he was elected president in 1933.


I am really athletic. I am very balanced. 



I clean. I take care of people. I feed people. 


"I'm sure you will make lots of new friends, Grace" my mom said as the bus pulled up. I wanted to believe her but I felt very worried. I said goodbye and got on the bus. As soon as I stepped on, all the kids started starting at me. The doors closed behind me with a hiss. I sat down next to a girl with red hair and introduced myself. 

Why were all the kids staring at Grace?

She was the new girl. 


Which sentence tells how Frederick Douglass was able to escape slavery?

A. Frederick Douglass was born on February 1818 in Talbot County, Maryland.

B. Douglass gave speeches and wrote a book to tell everyone that slavery was wrong.

C. Douglass was born a slave but escaped to the north in 1838, dressed as a sailor.

D. Douglass wanted equal rights for all people and spoke out for women’s right to vote

C. Douglass was born a slave but escaped to the north in 1838, dressed as a sailor.


Which sentence gives evidence about what a lion eats?

A. Lions live in groups with 3 – 30 members.

B. Lions may be found on savannas in Africa.

C. Female lions hunt for prey.

D. Lions are carnivores (meat eaters) and eat zebra, water buffalo, antelope, wildebeest, and impala.

D. Lions are carnivores (meat eaters) and eat zebra, water buffalo, antelope, wildebeest, and impala.
