Problem solving
place value
Gina is training for a marathon. She ran 4.6 miles on Friday and 6.75 miles Saturday. On Sunday, she ran 13 miles. How much farther did she run on Sunday than she did on Friday and Saturday combined?
What is 1.65 miles
The vet gave Eliana's dog 0.004 liter of medicine. What is the value of the digit 4 in 0.004?
What is four thousandths or 0.004
Malcolm measured 2.75 inches of rain on Saturday. He measured an additional 1.6 inches of rain on Sunday. What was the total amount of rain that fell on Saturday and Sunday?
What is 4.35 inches?
Kevin and Yasuko are writing number patterns. Yasuko wrote the following sequence. 35.9, 34.7, 33.5, ? , 31.1 What is the unknown term in this sequence?
What is 32.3
What digit is in the tenths place? 45.248
What is 2
At the end of November, Mrs. Gold had a balance of $426.83 in her checking account. Since then she has written two checks for $163.49 and $16.85 and made a deposit of $195.00. What is the balance in Mrs. Gold's checking account now?
What is $441.49?
The four highest scores on the balance beam at a gymnastics meet were 9.65, 9.325, 9.575 and 9.2. Write the scores in order from least to greatest.
What is 9.2, 9.325, 9.575 and 9.65
Denise has $78.22. She wants to buy a computer game that costs $29.99. About how much money will Denise have left?
What is $50
Students are selling hand-made magnets at the school craft fair. One magnet costs $0.30, 2 magnets cost $0.43, 3 magnets cost $0.56 and 4 magnets cost $0.69. If this pattern continues, how much will 6 magnets cost?
What is $0.95.
What is the expanded form of 23.48?
What is (2 x 10) + (3 x 1) + (4 x 1/10) + (8 x 1/100)
Paul used 1.75 pounds of grapes, 2.6 pounds of bananas, and 3.25 pounds of apples to make fruit salad. How many total pounds of fruit are in the salad?
What is 7.6 pounds?
It takes the planet Neptune 164.79 years to revolve around the sun. What is 164.79 years rounded to the nearest whole number?
What is 165 years
Members of a hiking club hiked 3.45 kilometers on Tuesday morning, then after lunch they hiked 6.2 more kilometers. What was teh total distance that the club hiked?
What is 9.65 kilometers.
Continue the pattern. 65.35, 64.4, 63.45, ? , ?
What is 62.5, 61.55
What is the digit in the thousandths place? 45.398
What is 8
Mario has $15. If he spends $6.25 on admission to the ice skating rink, $2.95 to rent skates, and $1.65 each for 2 hot chocolates, how much money will he have left?
What is $2.50
Mary kept a record of how long she practiced the piano each week during one month. Week 1 4.75, Week 2 4.5, Week 3 5.1 and Week 4 5.75. During which week did Mary practice the greatest amount of time?
What is week 4
Molly and Jacob are meeting at the pool to go swimming. The pool is 3.22 kilometers from Molly's house and 2.81 kilometers from Jacob's house. How much farther does Molly live from the pool than Jacob?
What is 0.41 kilometers
Mr. Cooper has a balance of $397.45. He went christmas shopping and spent $18.76 on a gift for his dad, $14.35 on a gift for his mom and $32.78 on a gift for his brother. What is the balance of his checking account after this shopping?
What is $331.56
What is the word form of 82.48
What is eighty-two and fourty-eight hundredths
Louis found two bicycles he likes. The price of the first bicycle is $73.59. The price of the second bicycle is $98.50. Write a reasonable estimate of the difference in the prices of the bicycles.
What is $100-$75 = $25
A penny has a diameter of 0.019 meter. What is the word form of 0.019?
What is nineteen thousandths?
Allison drove 6.28 kilometers to the post office and then drove an additional 7.83 kilometers to the library. Write a reasonable estimate of the total distance Allison drove.
What is 6 + 8 =14 kilometers.
A number pattern starts at 45.72. It's rule is "add 6.7". Write the first five numbers in this pattern.
What is 45.72, 52.42, 59.12, 65.82, 72.52
What is the digit in the hundredths place? 6.084
What is 8