Solve without calculators.
25.6 x 1.1 =
Convert 50% to a decimal (hint - divide by 100).
Convert 0.20 to a fraction
(hint- if the last digit is in the hundredths place, put the decimal over 100).
Convert 0.25 to a percent.
Hint - multiply by 100 and add %
Hint - Remember to convert the % to a decimal.
Solve without calculators.
32.8 x 2.2 =
Convert 25% to a decimal (hint - divide by 100).
Convert 0.15 to a fraction
(hint- if the last digit is in the hundredths place, put the decimal over 100).
Convert 0.62 to a percent.
Hint - multiply by 100 and add %
You save up $60.00 and put the money in a savings account. This account pays you 5% in interest each year. How much interest will you make this year?
Hint - Remember to convert the % to a decimal.
Solve without calculators.
41.7 x 5.6 =
Convert 17% to a decimal (hint - divide by 100).
Convert 0.97 to a fraction
(hint- if the last digit is in the hundredths place, put the decimal over 100).
Convert 0.89 to a percent.
Hint - multiply by 100 and add %
American Eagle is having a sale. If you buy one pair of jeans, you get one 40% off. If a pair of their jeans is usually $55.50, how much will you save on the second pair of jeans?
Hint - Remember to convert the % to a decimal.
51.9 x 8.6
Convert 5% to a decimal (hint - divide by 100).
Convert 0.05 to a fraction
(hint- if the last digit is in the hundredths place, put the decimal over 100).
Convert 0.07 to a percent.
Hint - multiply by 100 and add %
You and a friend go to a Timberwolves game. He buys you both decent seats, so tickets are $80.00 each. He asks you to pay him back 45% of the cost of your ticket. How much do you pay him back?
Hint - Remember to convert the % to a decimal.
Solve without calculators.
85.6 x 9.2 =
Convert 120% to a decimal (hint - divide by 100).
Convert 0.02 to a fraction
(hint- if the last digit is in the hundredths place, put the decimal over 100).
Convert 0.01 to a percent.
Hint - multiply by 100 and add %
Target has a sweater you like that is usually $50.00, but it is on sale for 35% off. How much will you save if you buy the sweater on sale?
Hint - Remember to convert the % to a decimal.