What is 1,500
Compare the decimals:
65.3 6.53
What is >
Thousands 6459
What is 6000
The value of the 4: 655.749
What is 0.04 or 4 hundredths
2,600 divided by 104
What is 0.26
Compare the decimals:
1.122 112.2
What is <
Hundredths 87.629
What is 87.63
The value of 8 in this number: 1.008
What is 8 thousandths
10? = 1,000
What is 3
Order the decimals from least to greatest:
6.01 6.1 6.001
What is 6.001 6.01 6.1
The value of the 5 in 45.67 is _____ times the value of 5 in 46.57
What is 10 times
5 divided by 100
What is .05
Order the decimals from greatest to least:
7225.512 7225.5 72.225
What is 7225.512, 7225.5, 72.225
The value of 9 in this number 6590.246 is ______ times the value of 9 in 9716.5
What is 1/100
61,003 divided by 103 =
What is 61.003
Compare the decimals:
899.90 899.9
What is =
a. 4.45 b. 4.54 c. 5.55 d. 5.15
What is b and d