Add the decimals 43.28 + 31.45
What is 74.73
Name the decimal below?
Twenty Seven and Sixty One Hundredths
Use < , > or = to compare each pair of decimals 0.06 ______0.60
What is < (less than)
Round the decimal to the given place value. 5.031; hundredths
What is 5.03
What happens when you make a withdrawal?
What is Money is taken out of your bank account.
Money is subtracted from you balance.
Acceptable answers may vary.
Subtract the decimals 248 - 131.48
What is 116.72
Name the decimal below.
Twenty Two and Four Hundredths
Use < , >, or = to compare the set of decimals 4.888_______4.880
What is > (greater than)
Estimate using Rounding. 75.38 + 22.04
What is 75.4 + 22 = 97.4
What happens when you make a deposit?
What is Money is put into your account.
Money is added to you balance.
Acceptable answers may vary.
Add the Decimals 1.325 + 0.081
What is 1.406
Name the decimal below.
Six and Two Hundred and Seventy Five Thousandths
Use <, >, or = to compare the set of decimals 2.03_____2.030
What is = (equal to)
Round the decimal to the given place value. 0.00042; ten-thousandths
What is 0.0004
Mrs. Tyler had $569.23 in her checking account. She wrote a check for $231.59. The next day, she deposited $50.00 in her account.
What is Mrs. Tyler’s new balance?
What is $387.64
Subtract the decimals 148.93 - 121.36
What is 27.57
Name the decimal below.
One Hundred Twenty Eight and Thirty Nine Thousandths.
Order each set of decimals from greatest to least. 5.222, 5.202, 5.022, 5.2222
What is 5.2222, 5.222, 5.202, 5.022
Estimate using rounding 12.045 + 11.81 + 12.3 + 11.56
What is 12.05 + 11.8 + 12.3 + 11.6 = 47.75
Mr. Cruz is trying to balance his checkbook for the month of November. He wrote a check to Orange Theory for $161.56 on Monday and deposited a check for $1,100 into his bank on Friday. Then, Mr. Cruz remembered that he owed Mrs. Haxton $25.27 for new lights to hang in his classroom.
What is Mr. Cruz's remaining balance?
What is $913.17
Subtract the decimals 1,023.14 - 98.57
What is 924.57
Name the decimal below.
Nine Hundred Twenty Four and Five Thousand Twenty Nine Ten Thousandths.
Order each set of decimals from least to greatest. 0.0404, 0.404, 0.04, 0.0444
What is 0.04, 0.0404, 0.0444, 0.404
Round the decimal to the given place value. 2.059; hundredths
What is 2.06
Mrs. Haxton just won the lottery and deposited a check for $125,000 into her bank account. She decides to go on a shopping spree and buys a brand new car for $39,237. Mrs. Haxton sells her old car and get's a check for $12,439.29 What is Mrs. Haxton's remaining balance?
What is $98,202.29