This decimal represented in words: 2.63
What is two and sixty three hundredths
What are Equivalent decimals?
What are decimals that name the same amount
Use < , > , = in 0.7 and 0.70
What is equal to, =
What digit is in the tenths place in 43.23?
What is 2/
Another way to express 4.34 as a fraction, or mixed number
What is 4 34/100?
Are .4 and .40 equivalent?
Use < , > , = in 1.27 and 0.99
What is greater than, >
What digit in in the hundredths place in 2.45
What is 5?
Are .50 and .500 equivalent
Order decimals from least to greatest 0.5, 0.40, 0.52
What is 0.4, 0.5, 0.52
When rounding a number, if the number beside it is less than 5 what do you do?
Leave it alone
Look at the question below. The 15 represents... 15.67
What is the whole, or 15 whole numbers
You get 400 points
Order decimals from greatest to least 16.4, 14.09, 14.79
What is 16.4, 14.79, 14.09
When rounding a number if the number next to it is 5 or more what do you do?
What is rounding up or add one?
Are 2/10 and .2 equivalent?
Which number is smaller 1.001 or 1.100?
What is 1.001?
You get 500 points?