1.2 + 2.9
What is 4.1?
2.4 4.99
Write this in word form: 12.99
What is twelve and ninety nine hundreths?
When you multiply decimals you move to the ???
What is right?
12.99, what number is in the place value of tenths?
What is 9?
3.8 - 1.8
What is 2.0?
12.0 12.00
Write this in standard form: one hundred and thirty three hundreths
When you divide decimals, you do?
12.88, identify the number in the ones place.
What is 2?
17.11 + 19.22
What is 36.33?
Put these from greatest to least.
1.99, 78.99, 12.98, 33.99, 12.79, 0.78
What is 78.99, 33.99, 12.98, 12.79, 1.99, 0.78 ?
Write this in expanded form: 1.297
1 x 10 + 2 (1/10) + 9 (1/100) + 7 (1/1000)
12.55 X 10
WHAT IS 125.5
124 divide by 9...you will have a remainder
13 with remainder of 7
98.199 - 38.13
What is 60.069?
Put these from smallest to greatest
1.88, 8.99, 4.99, 3.99, 3.92
What is 1.88, 3.92, 3.99, 4.99, 8.99?
Write this in word form: 199.177
What is one hundred ninety nine and one hundred seventy seven?
122.999 X 10
What is 122,999
7 divide by 43? You will have a remainder
6, with remainder of one.
If there is no number to a decimal, what can you always put?
What is 0?
What sign does this mean when comparing decimals: >
What is greaten then?
Because it is not breaking down a decimal place value
18.99 divide by 10?
What is 1.899?
Add these decimals: 1.99 + 127.99 + 28.222
What is 158.202?