What is the opposite of 5?
-1 + 3
2 - (-1)
2 * 25
A doctor and a boy were fishing. The boy was the doctor’s son, but the doctor was not the boy’s father. Who was the doctor?
His mom
What is an equation?
Answers will vary.
-3 + (-2)
-2 - 2
6 * 25
If six children and two dogs weren’t under an umbrella, how come none of them got wet?
It wasn't raining.
What is a factor?
-22 + 22
-4 - (-5)
A positive integer multiplied by a negative integer will result in a __________ integer.
What belongs to you but is used more by others?
Your name
What is the absolute value of -234?
Is this true?
-4 + 5 = 5 + -4
Is this true?
-6 - 5 = 5 - (-6)
False or no
A negative integer multiplied by a negative integer results in a ___________ integer.
The more I dry the wetter I get, what am I?
A towel
What is the term for an integers distance from zero on a number line?
Absolute value
A seal is sitting on an iceberg 5 feet above the ocean surface. He gets hungry and dives 18 feet into the water. He spots a fish for dinner and goes up 4 feet to catch it. Where is he in relation to the surface of the water?
-9 feet or 9 feet below the surface
Mr. Bassett borrowed $5 from Mr. Ceballos on Wednesday. On Thursday, he borrowed another $3 from Mr. C. Today Bassett gave Mr. C $4 to pay him back. What is Bassett's debt now?
-2 * 6
A rooster lays an egg right on the point of a roof in the morning. If the wind is blowing to the west and the sun is shining in the east, which way will the egg roll off the roof? East or West?
Neither. Roosters don't lay eggs.
In the Sahara Desert one day it was 136°F. In the Gobi Desert a temperature of -50°F was recorded. What is the difference between these two temperatures?
186 degrees