Divide the Decimals
-10.8 / 2
Multiply the fractions
-3/7 times 1/4
How many digits will be behind the decimal in the answer?
5.25 x 0.625
5 digits
The reciprocal of 2/5
Divide the decimals:
75.6 / -1.2
What is the product of -3/7 and -7/18
Multiply these decimals. -0.7 x -2.6
4/5 divided by -8/9
Divide the decimals
-18.2 / -1.4
Multiply the fractions
-9/10 times -2/3
18/30 = 9/15
Multiply these decimals.
0.23 x -7.5
what is the quotient?
-7 divided by 5/8
-11 1/5
What is the quotient?
- 43.75 / 3.5
Multiply the fractions:
1 1/6 multiplied by: 2/5
Multiply these decimals.
4.04 x 5.3
Divide the fractions
-4 7/8 divided by -1/8
A dinner costs $56.25. You split the bill evenly with 5 people. What is the cost per person?
There is 9/10 of cheerios in a box of cereal. Your family eats 1/3 of that amount for breakfast. How much cereal did you eat?
The gas station charges $6.19 per gallon for gasoline. You buy 13 gallons. What is the total cost?
You have a 10 1/2 length board of wood. You cut 3/4 segments. How many segments can you create?