Place Value
45.2 + 12.4 = ?
What is 57.6
65.9 - 34.4 = ?
What is 31.5
Estimate the answer using whole numbers: 3.2 x 5.8 = ?
What is 18
35.45 divided by 5 = ?
What is 7.09
What should you do to the decimals when you add and subtract?
What is line them up
35.87 + 109.02 = ?
What is 144.89
314.8 - 275.03 = ?
What is 39.77
4.2 x 5.4 = ?
What is 22.68
124.84 divided by 0.4 = ?
What is 312.1
What should you do with the decimals when you multiply?
What is count the total number of decimal places in the problem and put the same number of decimal places in your answer (the product).
435.7 + 235.071 + 1.65
What is 672.421
8320 - 354.6 - 2.106 = ?
What is 7963.294
75.96 x 3.41 = ?
What is 259.0236
459.56 divided by 0.9 = ?
What is 510.6222... (repeating)
What should you do with the decimals when dividing and there's a decimal in the dividend, but not the divisor?
What is move the decimal straight up into the answer (the quotient).
Molly took her friend Lilly out to the mall and she told Lilly that she would pay for everything. Molly decided to get a tank top that cost $13.39, a pair of boots for $47.49, and some yoga pants for $53.99. Lilly picked out a shirt for $39.23 and some jeans for $53.29. How much did Molly spend at the mall paying for her and Lilly without tax?
What is $207.39
Billy went to go weigh random items around his house; he decided to weigh a candle which weighed 0.62 lb, he also weighed a binder that was filled with papers that weighed 1.49 lbs. The last object was a small box of paperclips that was less than half empty; it weighed 0.23 lbs less than the candle. How much did the box of paperclips weigh?
What is 0.39 lb
Carrie's dog had 7 babies. She sold each puppy for $413.95. 5 of the puppies were sold. How much money did Carrie get?
What is $2069.75
The total bill for drinks and a pizza for three people is $18.81. How much should each person pay, if they want to share the bill equally?
What is $6.27
What should you do with the decimals when dividing and BOTH the divisor and dividend have decimals?
What is "multiply" and move the decimal in the divisor over to the right until it's a whole number, then "multiply" and move the decimal in the dividend the same number of places to the right.
Paul took a trip in May.The price of gasoline that he paid during his trip was $1.50 per gallon. He filled his van four times over the trip.The amounts he bought were: 15.082 gallons, 15.784 gallons, 14.804 gallons, and 15.331 gallons. How much gas did he purchase on his trip?
What is 61.001 gallons
At the fair, Sam has only $10 to spend. His mother expects some change. He wants to buy a sandwich for $3.49, a game for $4.79, and a card set for $5.29. He decides to buy two items and spend as little as possible. Which two items will give him the most change and how much?
What is the sandwich and the game; $1.72 in change
For every chore Claire completed she earned $2.25. Every week Claire completes six chores. If claire continues this pattern over the coarse of the next seven and a half weeks, how much money will she have in all?
What is $101.25
Loren is putting brick along both edges of the 21-meter walkway to his house. Each brick is 0.26 meters long. Loren is placing the bricks end to end. How many bricks does he need to buy? (**Round to the nearest whole brick.)
What is 162 bricks
How do you turn remainders into decimals when dividing?
What is do regular long division, then when you get to the remainder, put a decimal point behind the dividend and add some zeros and continue long division.