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Digging Middle Earth
Cap or No Cap ?

This is Step One out of a 6 step process of Problem Solving/ Decision Making!

What is ... Identify and define the problem?

+ Consider what an optimal outcome or goal might be.

+ Its ok to not know how to solve your problems take time to make sure you know exactly what the problem is


This comes after, or as a result of something you do or decide. 

What is a Consequence? (effect)


The Name of this Middle Earth Drop-In Center Program



This is Influence from members of one's peer group.

What is ... Peer Pressure?


When you set a goal, you do NOT need to make/take steps to reach the goal.

What is ... a BIG CAP!


This is Step Two or Three out of a 6 step process of Problem Solving/ Decision Making!

What is ... List all possible options/alternatives?

+ Use a brainstorming technique where you put a lot of ideas on paper. All ideas matter, realistic or not, silly or real, and anything that may or may not be helpful. Remember not to be judgmental. This is just a gathering of ideas.

+ Pros and Cons list are also just as helpful


What is ... Evaluate the options?

+ Evaluate the options and if you can do so with a trusted friend or family member they can often see a point that you may not be thinking of. 


This is the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result

What is ... a goal, mission, or objective?


Two Names of Staff Members that are present today at the center. 

Any Two will do 


These people are the biggest influence on you in your middle school years.

Who are ... your peers?


Statistically, people make better decisions at the night. 

What is . . . CAP !!

(Statistically, people make better decisions in the Morning.)


This is Step Four out of a 6 step process of Problem Solving/ Decision Making!

What is ... Choose one option?

+ It is important that the solution to the problem does not create a problem for someone else.


What is made up of family members, friends that will help you not feel alone after a decision?

What is a ..... Support System?


The Next Middle Earth Field Trip

Haunted Hay Ride (Schaffer Farms)


These are the first people to ever influence you

Who is ... your Parents / Family?


We make about 10,000-60,000 decisions in one day. 

What is ... NO CAP !


This is Step Five out of a 6 step process of Problem Solving/ Decision Making!

What is ... Make a plan and do it.

+ More details can help those who like the direction

+ This is probably the most difficult step.

+ If the choice is not acceptable to the other person, you may need to go back to the list of options.


This is .. not only hearing what someone has to say but showing them you are listening and proving it. 

What is ... Active Listening?

The day is Center Closed during the week

Manville - Wednesday 

Bound Brook - Thursday 


This is something other than parents and peers that influence your decisions (hint: Your phone /computer) 

What ... the Media? 

(Tik Tok, Insta, Twitter, Netflix Ect)


Bad decisions can get you in serious trouble. 

What is .... no Cap !


This is Step Six out of a 6 step process of Problem Solving/ Decision Making!

What is ... Evaluate the problem and solution?

+This is probably the most neglected step in decision making but it is critical to the learning process. 

+ Look at: What brought the problem about? Can a similar problem be prevented in the future? How was the present problem solved? 

This is a technique used to help decide on a topic by weighing out positive and negative traits dealing with the topic at hand. 

What is ... a Pros/Cons List?


How many Journeys Drop-In Centers are there in Somerset. 

Trick Question .... 3 


This is a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do

What are... Your Morals?

Important Decisions need to be or are best made Alone.  

What is ... BIG Cap!
