The part of the brain in the limbic system that gives us the Flight, Fight, Freeze or Fawn response.
What is the amygdala?
Define the Problem
What does the first D in the DECIDE model stand for?
The Emergency number in Thailand
What is 191?
What I should take before making a decision so that I can C things clearly?
What are three deep breaths?
This gives us time to make a decision.
How does "Wait! What?" help with decision making?
The part of the brain responsible for logic, reasoning and decision making
What is the Prefrontal Cortex?
Define the Problem, Explore the Alternatives, Consider the Consequences, Identify Values, Decide and act, Evaluate the outcome
What is the DECIDE model?
The emergency number in English in Thailand (Tourism police)
What is 1155?
The three Cs before making a decision.
What is Calm, Content and Clear?
Avoid situations, Give a Reason or Walk away
What are options for standing by your decision to do what you value to be the right thing?
The age at which the Prefrontal cortex matures
What is mid-twenties?
What is a consequence?
My Trusted adult's phone number that I know by heart
What is nnnnnnnn?
The positive and negative possible outcomes of a decision that you need to weigh up.
What are pros and cons?
Clearly stating your needs, wants and feelings whilst still being respectful of others.
What is being assertive?
Something that we need in order to help our underdeveloped prefrontal cortex to make a decision.
What is planning? What is time?
Looking back at not wearing a helmet when riding your bike and hurting your head as a result.
What is Evaluating the outcome?
The time it takes to get from Emquartier to ISB using Google maps right now? (use your phone)
What is X minutes? Use google Maps
Balance, Integrity, Gratitude, Care, Courage, Commitment, Respect, Responsibility
What are the eight ISB values? (BIG 3 Cs, 2 Rs)
Making a plan that is truthful with a trusted adult.
What is the value - honesty?
Someone with a developed prefrontal cortex who can help us plan or make a difficult decision.
What is a trusted adult?
The opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without authorization or adult intervention.
What is responsibility?
Photo of the licence plate number, driver ID, Estimated time of arrival, and screen grab of Google maps route.
What are the things I should report to my trusted adult if I am getting in a taxi?
The pressure to conform or do what others your age are doing.
What is peer pressure?
A time during adolescence where our brain has a desire for intense experiences, peer acceptance and when relationships and emotions outweigh logic and reason.
What is puberty?