Do you remember when I mowed your lawn?
Stacy's Mom
This show featured a device called the Cone of Silence. An early form of social distancing?
Get Smart
My favorite was the construction worker! No wait the cowboy! Definitely not the cop.
Village People
Who was told that Trix was for kids?
Silly Rabbit
Bart and Lisa love watching this violent cartoon duo.
Itchy & Scratchy
So come up to the lab
And see what's on the slab
I see you shiver with antici... pation!
Sweet Transvestite
This show featured a "bad boy" from Philadelphia who got in trouble and was sent to live with Uncle Phil and Aunt Vivian.
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
In 1996 they told us what they wanted... what they really, really wanted!
The Spice Girls
Terry Crews appears in commercials for this smelly product?
Old Spice
This dim-witted cat and sociopathic chihuahua are getting a series reboot. Happy Happy Joy Joy!
Ren & Stimpy
This sad song was about Lola - she wore yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there!
I am serious... and don't call me Shirley.
Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, and Sophia.
The Golden Girls
In 2000 this band was offered $1B to re-unite and perform 100 shows. They declined. In 2021 they'll be going on tour as holograms.
This term was made popular by some buddies who were all watching the game, having a Bud. True.
Who am I?
When I'm at the beach, I'm in a speedo trying to tan my cheeks!
Sexy and I Know It
He came to earth and lived with the Tanner family and their cat Lucky (who he was always trying to eat).
Woody, Eric, Les, Alan, Derek.
Bay City Rollers
In 1984 Clara Peller asked this question?
Where's the beef?
Name all three characters!
I have no idea what this song is about, nor can I read the foreign lyrics other than... Eh Sexy Lady!
Gangnam Style
To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint.
The Barenaked Ladies performed the theme song to this explosive TV series.
The Big Bang Theory
This band has had over 9 drummers who have all died strange deaths including at least two who spontaneously combusted while performing on stage.
Spinal Tap
In the 1980s Heather Locklear was so impressed with Faberge Organics shampoo that she did this?
She told two friends about it, and they told two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on...
Part of the opening disclaimer of this show includes - (they) are dumb, crude, thoughtless, ugly, sexist, self-destructive fools.
Beavis and Butthead