Reading the Text
British Policies/Colonial Grievances
EOC Practice

Define: Limited monarchy

A Monarch's power is limited by the law


“. . . A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”

What is being said about King George in this statement?

Bonus (200): What is the influence of Enlightenment philosophers in this quote by the Founding Father's?

He is a power-hungry Tyrant who should not rule the American people.

Bonus: The Founding Fathers supported individual liberties, not a strong central government who could rule as they please.

(Ruled by a Tyrant = people are not "free")


Colonists argued that the British Government was taxing them without ____________?

Either answer is correct:

1) Representation - they were being taxed by the government but they had no say in the government

2) Consent - because the had no representation in parliament, the colonists could not give their permission to the passing of new laws and taxes which affected them.


In his pamphlet, Common Sense, Thomas Paine

A. begged the colonists to show common respect to King George.






Compact ?











Declaration of


is approved

B. Called for a religious movement similar to the Great Awakening.

C. Made a case for independence by drawing on the ideas of John Locke.

D. Told colonists to rebel against those who wanted to split from Britain.

C. Made a case for independence by drawing on the ideas of John Locke.


Which Enlightenment idea is represented by the terms: Executive, Judicial, and Legislative

Separation of Powers


Define: Trial by Jury

A group of ordinary citizens sit together to hear the evidence and decide the verdict of a case.


A. “For quartering large bodies of armed

troops among us. . .”

B. “depriving us in many cases, of the

benefits of trial by jury. . .”

Explain these grievances of the colonists

A. Housing soldiers in civilian homes (Quartering)

B. suspending Trial by Jury (You go straight to jail with no trial)


Colonists argued that the policies of the British violated their ___________ ___________

Natural/individual rights


Which historical documents influenced the colonists' view government?

Magna Carta, English Bill of rights, Mayflower Compact, Common Sense


What phrase completes this comparison?

Magna Carta --> Limited Monarchy

English Bill of rights --> Individual Rights

Mayflower Compact --> _____ _________________



Define: Self-government & Consent of the Governed 

Self-government: People can govern themselves (make laws, hold civic meetings, etc.)

Consent of the Governed: The power of the government depends on the consent (permission) of the people that are being governed.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights

Define the the underlined words

Self-evident: obvious or clear

Endowed: given or gifted

Unalienable: cannot be taken away


The Colonists petitioned King George to _______ the Stamp Act. The British decided to pass more laws taxing the colonists, so the colonists strike back by refusing to buy or ____________ British goods

Repeal - take back

Boycotting - refusing to buy goods as a form of protest


Which one is the odd one out? and what do the other words have in common?

1. Mayflower Compact

2. Magna Carta

3. Articles of Confederation

4. English Bill of Rights

5. Common Sense

Articles of Confederation

The other documents all influenced the Founding Fathers' views on forming a government.


This is the idea that “the people” give the government power to protect their natural rights and must live by the rules

Social Contract


Define: Abolish, Assent, and Natural Rights

Abolish: to end

Assent: to agree

Natural Rights: life, liberty, and property 


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among these, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. —That to secure these [Natural] rights, Governments are instituted amongst Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

Based on this exerpt, what is a government's role in society?

Protect the natural rights of it's citizens


Name three grievances of the Colonists?

- Taxation without Representation

- Dissolving Legislature

- Refusing to recognize the power colonists' government, laws, and courts

- Suspending Trial by Jury

- Passing acts which were unfair, unjust, and cruel

- Quartering troops in civilian homes

- Using the colonies as a source of profit

- Ignored petitions

- Keeping a standing army in the colonies


What were the Enlightenment ideas of Locke and Montesquieu and how did they influence the colonists' view of government?

Locke: Social contract & Natural Laws/Rights

The people give power to the government and the government, in turn, then gives protection to the people and safeguards their natural rights of life, liberty, and property.

Montesquieu: Separation of Powers

Powers of Government should be separate and distinct to prevent any government leader from being too powerful and becoming a Tyrant.


1. British Policies limit colonial rights...

2.  ?

3. British ignore colonial Grievances...

4. Declaration of independence...

Trace the causes & effects that led to the signing of the Declaration of Independence and fill in the missing step

Colonial Demand for Political Change


Define: Natural law

Natural laws are laws in society that we all follow naturally, not because a government or ruler told us to do so, but because they are necessary so we can all coexist and get along peacefully. Natural laws are laws set in place by nature (or a “creator”), while laws created by governments are man-made.


“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of those ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government.”

A. In this passage, it is the right of the people to _______________.

B. What enlightenment philosopher idea influenced this passage?

A. Overthrow or replace a government

B. John Locke's Social Contract


How does Locke's Social Contract theory justify the colonist's right to overthrow the British Government in the American colonies?

The people agree to be ruled by the government and follow it's rules, therefore giving it power, as long as the government protect the people their natural rights. Since the people give the government it's power, if a government does not do their job or violates natural rights, the people have a right to overthrow and replace the government. 

British violated natural rights --> Colonists overthrow government


How did the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Mayflower Compact, and Thomas Paine's Common Sense influence the Colonist's view of Government?

The Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights limited the monarchy in Britain and gave individuals more rights and a greater say in the government.

The Mayflower compact began a tradition of self-government in the American colonies which was interrupted when the British tried to regain control of the government in the colonies (this upset the colonists).

Common Sense argued that it was common sense that the colonies should not be governed by England and they should seek independence. (encouraged colonist's to separate with England)


How are the Enlightenment ideas that influenced the Founding Fathers reflected in modern institutions?

A. Colonies have been re-established to preserve popular sovereignty.

B. Oligarchies have increased to safeguard natural rights.

C. The United Nations promotes universal human rights.

D. The European Union encourages economic stability.

The United Nations promotes universal human rights.

The United Nations is a democratic assembly and promotes human rights (rights you are born with). B is wrong because Oligarchies do not usually promote individual rights but create a strong central government which do not usually benefit the individual rights of people.
