This man led Kenya to indepedence
Jomo Kenyatta
The method Gandhi used to protest, non-violence
civil disobedience
He was named the first Chairman of the Poeple's Republic of China
Mao Zedong
The nationalist group who wanted Palestine
Arab Nationlists
the act of one country establishing political control over another, usually involving economic exploitation and cultural domination.
After world war 2, who founded the Convention People’s Party in Ghana
Who is Kwame Nkrumar
The famous Indian Independence Activist (fought for Indian independence from British rule and for the rights of the Indian poor)
Who is Mahatma Gandhi
Mao led the ________ in China, which overthrew the old nationalist leader.
Communist Revolution
three religions that developed in the middle east
Islam, Judaism, Christianity
A political movement aimed at achieving independence for a nation from colonial rule.
The belief that African countries should unite together for the benefit of them all economically, politically, and socially
He believed British rule has hurt India and prevented its people from establishing their own economy and government.
Mao used _______ to increase production of Agriculture, while Deng Xioping used the ____ __________ to focus on various parts of the economy.
Four Modernizations
Jewish group who wanted control over Palestine
The gradual transition of a colony to independence.
From 1950-1980, most African countries had become
independent countries
This was the protest led by Ghandi to fight against the unfair tax on a particular good that involved a large group marching to the sea
Mao and Deng both handled opposition in similar ways, including ...
Silencing, violence, threats
government controlled farms divided into specific tracts for people to work
The right of a nation to self-govern.
What do these headlines suggest?
"Rhodesia Becomes Zimbabwe"
"Gold Coast Becomes Ghana"
they reflect traditional cultures
Political group that led the movement calling for a separate Muslim nation to be created at the time of the partition of British India (1947)
Muslim League
Deng allowed private benefit for farmers, which increased agriculture production.. explain what this means
Deng allowed for citizens to OWN and work their own farm land
The Camp David Accords and the Oslo Accords were both
attempts at establishing peace in the middle east
The division of a territory into separate political entities, often based on ethnic or religious lines.