All You Can Be or Not All You Can Be!
It's All About The "Base," No Treble!
It's Programming and Budgeting, Stupid!
Plans Mean Nothing, Strategic Planning Systems are Everything!
Doctrine and Policy? Where We're Going, We Don't Need Doctrine and Policy!

It is the process to determining, building, and implementing programs to field a Soldier capable of performing their specified job/tasks at a particular grade, skill level, and position.

What is Personnel Development?


This type of commander manages the base operations at all Army installations. 

What is a Garrison Commander?


This annual process that ties planning, requirements, and resourcing of the forces together.

What is the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System?


It's the document that is signed by the President that states security priorities of the U.S. Government and the capstone document for all national security related departments and agencies.

What is the National Security Strategy (NSS)?


This term is hallmark term associated with our current Army Operating Concept.

What is Multidomain Operations?


This additional skill identifier (ASI) derived from the rescinded MOS 46Q...don't get this wrong, or you might end up on the nightly news.

What is ASI 2R?


At this Army base, a Soldier can be lead or commanded by a Lieutenant, Captain, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, Major General, Lieutenant General, or General.

What is Fort Liberty, NC?


It's the organization that develops the Army Budget to be included into the President's Budget Submission.

What is the Army Budget Office (ABO)?


This type of plan governs the day-to-day activities that a commander executes to shape the strategic or operational environment.

What is a Campaign Plan?


This type of publication governs the procedures to be performed within a specified Army activity.

What is a Department of the Army Pamphlet?


It's the minimum grade that is required by law for release of publically-releasable information.

What is a MAJ?


This AMC term describes the type of commander that is responsible the major Army organizational activities on the installation, but is not base operations or General Officer Courts Martial Convening Authority.

What is a Senior Mission Commander?


These are the two programmed management decision packages (MDEPs) controlled by OCPA.

What are VPUB and MU1M?


These two processes enable the SecDef/Chairman CJCS and SecArmy manage their Title 10 responsibilities.

What are the Joint Strategic Planning System and Army Strategic Planning System?


This type of publication describes the policy of a specified Army activity--from the establishment to the description of the activity.

What is an Army Regulation?


This term corresponds to the total number of space authorizations that are in an Army component on 30 September of each year.

What is the End Strength?


This is required by law when restationing more than 100 Army spaces. 

What is notifying Congress?


It's the product that's built that articulates the Army's priority of resourcing for five years out, after the Army Structure Memorandum is signed.

What is the Program Objective Memorandum (POM)?


This is the Army's product that that provides resourcing and programming guidance to leaders and planners published every year.

What is the Army Programming Guidance Memorandum (APGM)?


This publication is the capstone document covering Army Information Activities.

What is Army Doctrinal Publication (ADP) 3-13 Information


It's the specific portion of the law that mandates the Army Public Affairs function.

What is Title 10 Section 7083?


This term describes how Army Materiel Command (AMC) determines what services are needed to manage an installation, and is the basis of how AMC builds their budget.

What are Common Levels of Support (CLS)?


These two congressional committees approve the defense budgets, including the final topline amounts.

What are the House and Senate Appropriations Committees?


This document is a collection of units available for global contingencies and is signed and reviewed by the SecDef daily.

What is the Secretary of Defense's Orders Book (SDOB)?


This concept framework describes the orchestration of capabilities at a time and place of a operational-level commander's choosing.

What is Convergence?
