Pilgrimage in Islam 101
Holy Sites
Diversity in Pilgrimage
(Post-)Colonial Mecca
Sufism in Pilgrimage

This building is located in the Great Mosque in Mecca and is the most sacred site in Islam.

What is the Ka'aba?


This holy city is the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammed, and welcomes more than 2 million Muslims annually.

What is Mecca?


This voluntary pilgrimage differs from Hajj and can be completed at any time of the year.

What is umrah?


The Hajj (to Mecca) was affected by which major global event in the late 1930s and early 40s.

What is World War II?


This is any of the orders or congregations of Sufism, formed around a master (sheikh).

What is turuq?


Theis group of people can travel to Mecca as long as they are pure of body, mind, and heart, and they enter the Mosque where the Ka’aba is. 

Who are non-Muslims?


These 3 cities are the oldest holy cities in Islam and the most popular pilgrimage sites for early Muslims.

What are Jerusalem, Mecca, and Medina.


In medieval Europe, the most common pilgrimages involved journeys and visit to these religious sites. 

What are cathedrals and churches?


This, collected from each pilgrim to Mecca, was abolished in 1952, when Saudi revenues from oil production began to fund the government budget.

What is tax collection?


This term is used to describe a Sufi master that is considered a living saint with remarkable powers and knowledge. 

What is a sheikh?


This term, which entails a visitation to graves, burial sites, and shrines, literally means “visitation”.

What is ziyarah?


Imam Husayn, a leader of the Battle Of Karbala, where he was decapitated, is rumored to be buried in his mosque in this city.

Where is Cairo?


This modern form of pilgrimage includes new media that allows Muslims to do rituals, experience sacred sites, and interact with religious landscapes.

What is cyber pilgrimage?


This system created a threshold for the number of visas given to Muslim pilgrims, which made it difficult for smaller Muslim countries to receive visas.

What is a quota system?


According to hardline or "puritanical" interpretations of Islam of Salafis, it is forbidden in Islam to build these over graves.

What are shrines?


Ziyarah is considered a substitute for Hajj among this branch of Islam because of the shared aspects of a journey and circumambulation. 

What is Shi'a Islam?


This holy site is considered the 3rd holiest and is a prime Ziyarat destination.

What is Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa Mosque?


This pilgrimage includes journeys to sacred sites of prehistoric/indigenous peoples for individual spiritual experience.. 

What is secular pilgrimage?


In the colonial era, the Hajj was put under the surveillance of European imperialist powers, and Mecca and Medina were under the control of this empire.

What is the Ottoman Empire?


Pilgrimage is characterized by communitas and anti-structural dynamics challenging established social meanings by this region of Sufis.

Who are European Sufis?


Pilgrims will usually tie this cloth to objects like the tombs of Imams and other holy sites or even trees. In doing so, a pilgrim hopes to have their wishes (hajat) filled.

What is parche sabz?


Habib Noh grave in Singapore and the grave in Tanjung Tuan are examples of this type of pilgrimage sites in Southeast Asia.

What is a karamet?


This 3-day pilgrimage for Bosnians Muslims is called this, and involves a journey to the wooden mosque in Karaći. 

What is Dova na Karaćima?


This Dutch scholar's writings formed the basis of scholarly western knowledge of Mecca and the Hajj in the nineteenth century and beyond.

Who is Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje?


In Western Europe, Sufi "these" were encouraged to perform Christian pilgrimages. 

Who are disciples? 
