a certain Ugandan Comes from this game series.
What is Sonic the Hedgehog?
The name of the 2 "races" living in Barovia
What is the Vistani and Barovians
this wooden object was inside a bottle of mysterious alcohol.
What is a latter?
This character is in a PS1 game from 1996.
He is an creature with orange fur and shorts.
Who is Crash Bandicoot?
This face comes from this movie
What is Spider-man?
This object attacked Quarion in the Mansion.
What is a Broom?
This Character comes from this video game
What is Cyberpunk 2077?
This character comes from this Cartoon.
What is Looney Tunes Show?
The Majority Race in our party.
What is Human?
This Famous line comes from this famous movie.
"My name is Jeff"
what is 22 Jump street?
This is the name of the Liothinel's Dog.
Who is Bolt?
"Omai wa mou shindeiru" is the famous line from this anime.
Fist of the North star
The full name of the villain in our campagin.
Who is Strahd Von Zarovich?
the meaning of this picture.
u know what it is