This person was recently hired as IT's SVP Chief Information and Digital Officer.
Who is Zeeshan Sheikh?
3.5 million people attend this Thanksgiving day event, in NYC, every year.
What is the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?
This immigrant did not miss his shot and became one of our founding fathers, creating our national banking system.
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
This mountain is the tallest in the Contiguous United States.
What is Mount Whitney? (14,505')
These two colors create purple when combined.
What is Red and Blue?
Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) was established in this year.
When is 1928?
C.A. Swanson & Sons created this popular culinary product after ordering over 260 tons of extra frozen turkeys in 1953.
What is the TV Dinner?
This person was elected the United States 16th President.
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
This body of water separates the United States and Russia
What is the Bearing Sea?
This musical instrument appears on the Guinness beer label.
What is the Harp?
In 2019, PSEG's stock price rose to its' highest price ever.
What is $63.31?
This President was the first to proclaim November 26 as a day of national thanksgiving.
Who is President George Washington?
In 1945 scientists in this state witnessed the detonation of the world's first atomic bomb.
What is New Mexico?
This continent formed around 300 million years ago and broke up around 200 million years ago.
What is Pangea?
According to a study, only 11 minutes on average are played during this American sport.
What is Football?
This man founded Public Service Corp. in 1903.
Who is Thomas McCarter?
Due to his belief of separation of church and state, this founding father was the only one to refuse to declare a day of Thanksgiving.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
For the Cherokees, this infamous trail led to Fort Gibson Oklahoma.
The lowest land point on Earth is the shore of this body of water.
What is the Dead Sea?
These two planets are the only ones in our solar system without a moon.
What are Mercury and Venus?
In 2020, PSEG ranked 317 on this list.
What is Fortune 500?
In 1621, in Plymouth, Massachusetts, colonists and this Native American Tribe celebrated an autumn feast, widely acknowledged as the first Thanksgiving.
Who are the Wampanoag?
The first Miss America pageant was held on this iconic location in September of 1921.
What is the Atlantic City Boardwalk?
These two rivers created Mesopotamia, otherwise known as the 'Cradle of Civilization'.
What are the Tigris and Euphrates?
This Cherokee-class 10-gun brig-sloop vessel sailed Charles Darwin around the world on its' second voyage.