The journey between Africa and the Americas for enslaved people
What is the Middle Passage?
Established the principle of judicial review
What is Marbury v. Madison?
America's God-given right to expand over the continent
What is Manifest Destiny?
This was a mob violence fear tactic
What is lynching?
The first sentence of an SAQ
War that placed the British in massive debts
What is the French and Indian War?
This invention directly led to the 2nd Middle Passage
What is the cotton gin?
Effectively ended Reconstruction in the South
What is the Compromise/Bargain of 1877?
He was a believer of Black economic freedom over social freedom
Who is Booker T. Washington?
What is analysis?
Argued for neutrality, and warned against partisan party fighting
What is Washington's Farewell Address?
The creator of the Liberator and leader of the American Anti-Slavery Society
Who is William Llyod Garrison?
The belief that land out West should remain open to free white laborers
What is the free soil movement?
Government financing for land for migrants heading west
What is the Homestead Act?
President Lincoln's Vice President
Who was Andrew Johnson?
The leader of the federalist party, author of the Bank of the United States
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
Dispute between the federal government and South Carolina over tariffs and the right of states to void federal laws.
What is the Nullification Crisis?
The belief that states should have the right to choose for themselves whether they are free or slave
What is popular sovereignty?
This was the 1st immigration law based entirely on the basis of race
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?
The most famous Black man of the 19th century
Who is Frederick Douglass?
Event in Massachusetts that proved the Articles of Confederation was too weak to last
What is Shay's rebellion?
Henry Clay support of John Quincy Adams over Andrew Jackson
What is the corrupt bargain?
The first state to succeed from the Union
What is South Carolina?
A movement in hopes of bringing back the buffalo and returning land to Natives
What is the Ghost Dance Movement?
The most popular book of the 19th century
What is Uncle Tom's Cabin?