This is how you say hi in this language: Bonjour.

What is French?


Eating raw fish is popular in this culture.

What is Japan?


When did African American men first get the right to vote? A. 1869 B. 1940 C. 1965 D. 1970

[A] 1869. The U.S. Congress Passed the Fifteenth Amendment in 1869, which gave African American men the right to vote. However, by 1896, the state of Louisiana passed “grandfather clauses” that effectively barred former slaves and their descendants from voting. This action dramatically lowered the number of black voters—only 4% voted in 1873, down from 44.8% voting four years earlier in 1869. Soon other southern states followed suit—Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama and Virginia established their own grandfather clauses. By 1940, only 3% of African Americans eligible to vote were registered. Jim Crow laws greeted African Americans at the polls in the form of literacy tests and poll taxes. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law; some of the provisions were permanent outlawing barriers to political participation by all racial and ethnic minorities. Jurisdictions that had a history of discriminatory practices in voting were subject to federal approval before they could make changes in their election laws. In 1970, President Richard Nixon signed an extension of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as did President Gerald Ford in 1975. However in 2011, that requirement came into question and many states, many that had had histories of voter discrimination, began legislating an array of voting restrictions once again. In the 2013 Supreme Court decision of Shelby v. Holder, the Court dismantled the requirement that states with a history of voting discrimination get federal approval before they changed their election laws. Native American Cultures. (2015). Source: ACLU.


What group of people currently make up the largest ethnic population in the United States?

What are Hispanics?


Tigers have striped skin, not just fur. TRUE OR FALSE


This is how you say hi in this language: Ni hao

What is Chinese?


Paczki is a popular treat during this celebration in New Orleans.

What is Mardi Gras


African Americans have the highest representation of any ethnic minority group in the United States Congress. A. True B. False

[B] False It is only true in the House of Representatives, not in the Senate.


Hmong trace their roots of origin to what country? a. Laos b. Thailand c. Vietnam d. Korea

What is Laos?





This is how you say hi in this language: Hola

What is Spanish


Eating beef is forbidden by people of this religion.

What is Hinduism?


Which political party did African Americans first support? A. Democratic Party B. Republican Party C. Whig Party D. Free Soil Party

[B] The Republican Party African Americans were attracted to the Republican Party first because President Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, freed the slaves in the American states. The Republican Party got its start when two anti-slavery parties, the Conscience Whigs and the Free Soil Democrats joined forces to oppose the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which opened the Kansas Territory and Nebraska Territory to slavery and future admission to the United States as slave states. The party did not organize in the South, apart from St. Louis and a few areas adjacent to free states, but focused its organizing on the Northeast and Midwest. The Republican Party was influenced by the ethnic and religious group members that joine it, which resulted in the party focusing on purging sins, particularly alcoholism, polygamy and slavery.


When is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month?

What is May?


How many teeth do snails have?

They can have anywhere from 1,000 – 12,000 teeth


This is how you say hi in this language: Guten Tag

What is German?


Eating pork and shellfish is forbidden by people of this religion.

What is Judaism?


Who was the first African American governor of a U.S. State? A. Henry Warmoth B. Pinckney Pinchback C. Booker T. Washington D. Douglas Wilder

[B] False Pinckney Pinchback (1837 – 1921) was appointed governor of the State of Louisiana serving a short term from 1872 to 1873, the first person of African American descent to serve in a U.S. state’s highest elected office. He fought in the Civil War on the Union side, and became a captain in the army. After the war, he returned to New Orleans and entered politics as a Republican. In 1968, he became a delegate to Louisiana’s state constitutional convention and helped draft its new constitution. Later that year, he won his election to become a state senator. In 1871, the lieutenant governor died and Pinchback, as president of the senate, assumed his role because the elected governor, Henry Warmoth, was under impeachment proceedings. Pinchback served officially for 36 days, December 1872 to January of 1873, and approved ten legislative bills. He continued to rise in Louisiana politics and was elected to the United States Senate, but was denied his seat due to an election embroiled by racial tensions. He died at the age of 84 in Washington, DC in 1921. Pinchback’s father was a white Mississippi planter and his mother a freed black slave. When his father died in 1848, his mother moved her family of nine children to Ohio to avoid any future effort to return them to slavery. Pinchback began working as a cabin boy on Mississippi River steamboats at the age of 12 to support his family, and rose to become a ship steward. He married Nina Hawthorne at the age of 21 and the couple became parents of four children.


What is the fastest growing religion in the U.S.?

What is Islam?


Pumpkins, avocados and tomatoes are technically fruits. TRUE OR FALSE



This is how you say hi in this language: Bon Giorno

What is Italian?


A name for a type of food that began in southern United States and is mostly associated with African Americans.

What is Soul Food?


When did African American women fully get the right to vote? A. 1920 B. 1935 C. 1959 D. 1960s

[D] 1960s African American women legally received the right to vote along with all women with the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920. However, by the 1930s, southern states enacted laws and vigilantes took the law into their own hands that prevented African American women in the south, for the most part, from voting. African American women in the south did not start voting in significant numbers until the 1960s.


This act protects citizens that have mental and/or physical impairments

What is the American Disabilities Act?


The First Barbie Doll was released in 

A.1950 B. 1876 C. 1789 D. 1959

D. 1959
