Bias Awareness
Spacial Awareness vs. Fear
Communication Access
Alcohol Awareness

This term describes unfair treatment based on race, gender, or sexual orientation.

What is discrimination?


This concept discusses how marginalized individuals may alter their behavior in public spaces to avoid discrimination.

What is code-switching?


This landmark event in 1969 is considered a turning point for LGBTQ+ rights in the U.S.

What is the Stonewall Riots?


This communication method uses hand signs and gestures to convey information, especially for those who are Deaf or hard-of-hearing and live in the U.S.

What is American Sign Language (ASL)?


This term refers to being aware of how much alcohol one consumes and its effects.

What is mindful drinking?


This type of bias occurs when someone makes assumptions (often subconscious) about a person based solely on their appearance or identity.

What is implicit bias?


This sociological perspective studies how spatial dynamics affect social interactions and the feeling of safety among different communities.

What is the sociology of space?


This activist, a prominent figure at Stonewall, highlighted the experiences of Black trans women in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights.

Who is Marsha P. Johnson?


This term describes the practice of ensuring all individuals, regardless of hearing ability, can participate in conversations and events.

What is accessibility in communication?


This practice involves engaging in social situations while maintaining awareness of one's alcohol intake and its potential impacts.

What is harm reduction?


This term refers to negative attitudes or behaviors directed toward individuals based on their sexual orientation.

What is homophobia?


his framework examines how urban design can either mitigate or exacerbate feelings of fear among different community members.

What is Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)?


This theory examines how various forms of identity (e.g., race, gender, sexuality) intersect and create unique experiences of oppression.

What is intersectionality?


This federal law mandates that public and private organizations provide communication access for individuals with disabilities, including those who are hard of hearing.

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?


This term describes drinking too much alcohol in a short period, often leading to dangerous situations.

What is binge drinking?


This theory examines how privilege operates in society, particularly how certain groups benefit from systemic advantages.

What is privilege?


How can fear of the unknown contribute to the perpetuation of racism and homophobia in communities?

What is by fostering misunderstanding and avoidance of diverse groups?


This Black lesbian author advocated for the inclusion of LGBTQ+ rights within feminist movements, focusing on intersectional issues.

Who is Audre Lorde?


This approach involves designing events and spaces to be inclusive for individuals with various disabilities, including those who are deaf.

What is universal design?


This model addresses the social and psychological factors influencing alcohol consumption and addiction among marginalized communities.

What is the social-ecological model?


This cognitive bias occurs when individuals favor information or perspectives that align with their existing beliefs, often disregarding contradictory evidence.

What is confirmation bias?


Name a strategy that communities can us to reduce fear and promote understanding among different racial and LGBTQ+ groups

What is community dialogue or education programs?


This term describes how overlapping identities can lead to unique experiences of discrimination and privilege.

What is multiple jeopardy?


Name as many modes of communication as an alternative to spoken language

Ex. texting/written, sign language, speech-to-text apps, gesturing, etc.


How can we make sure that we're centuring safety within non-sober spaces?

Ex. buddy system, check-in buddy, designated driver, accountability partner, have"contingency" plan if too high/drunk. 
