What is Deism?
A belief in a creator who does not intervene in human affairs or nature
Yes or No
Do deists believe God actively intervenes in the world?
No, they believe he created it but does not intervene
Do both Deists and Theists believe in God?
Which U.S. Founding Father edited the Bible to remove miracles
Thomas Jefferson
What is the biggest criticism of Deism?
A non-intervening God is indistinguishable from no God at all.
(is there any God?)
True or False
Deists believe in supernatural miracles
Deists reject miracle as violations of natural law
What do deists rely on to understand the universe
Reason and observation
Do Deists believe in prayer?
Which French philosopher criticized religious dogma but believed in a rational creator
Why do some say Deism lacks moral structure?
It doesn't provide religious commandments like other faiths.(laws/rules)
Major difference between Deism and Agnosticism
Deists believe in a God, while agnostics remain uncertain
Why do deists reject religious scriptures as divine revelation?
They believe holy books are written by humans
How do Deists and Theists differ in their view of sacred texts?
Theists believe in holy books being divine, Deists do not
Which American statesman believed in God but questioned religious institutions?
Benjamin Franklin
How did Deism influence the U.S. Constitution?
It helped inspire the separation of church and state.
Historical period where deism became popular
The Enlightenment
According to deists, where does morality come from?
Reason and logic
Name two differences between Deism and Theism
Answers may differ
Refer- holy texts, prayer, God, etc
Why do some modern scientists lean toward Deism
They see order and structure in the universe but reject religious doctrines
Why do some modern scientists lean toward Deism
They see order and structure in the universe but reject religious doctrine
What analogy is often used to describe deism
A watchmaker who builds a watch and lets it run on its own
What is one reason Deists reject the idea of miracles
Miracles would violate the consistent and unchanging laws of nature
What is a Theist's view on hurricanes that differs from a Deist's
Theists may see it as a divine punishment or a test; Deists see it as a natural event.
What is one reason people choose Deism over traditional religion?
It harmonizes science and spirituality without religious dogma
What is one reason people choose Deism over traditional religion?
It harmonizes science and spirituality without religious dogma