The legal document that provides guidelines about scope of practice-delegating and supervising for RN's and LPN's?
What is the state Nurse practice act.
Benefits to the Nurse, the Delegate, the Manager, the Organization.
What are the Benefits of Delegation.
The first step of the delegation process
What is define the task.
One benefit of delegation to the organization
What is increased productivity (leading to improved financial position)
The right task, right circumstances, right person, right direction/communication and right supervision
What are the 5 Rights of Delegation
The type of nurse who is able to delegate to other RN's, LPN's and CNA's?
What is the Registered nurse in charge or Charge Nurse
An obligation to accomplish a task.
What is Responsibility.
Assigning undesirable tasks to others without support, because the nurse does not want to do them
What is dumping
The ability to work with more complex patients, increased job satisfaction and, & increased patient outcomes.
What are benefits of delegation to the delegator?
Liability, loss of Control, criticism, overburdening others, decreased job satisfaction
What are: Fears that may hamper an insecure delegator from delegating
This determines the scope and standards of nursing practice?
What is the nursing profession.
The right to act.
What is authority?
The second step of the delegation process
What is Decide on the delegate.
The primary goal of delegation.
What is Maximize patient care outcomes.
First step an RN must do before delegating patient tasks to non-RN personnel
What is Assess the patient
The type of nurse who is able to supervise LPN's and UAPs?
What is the Registered nurse. RN.
Required for successful delegating.
What is Practice
The third step of the delegation process
What is Determine the task
When someone with lower rank delegates to someone with higher rank
What is Reverse delegation?
When the nurse or UAP is not qualified to complete the task. When the delegator does not clearly define the task and expectations
What is: When a delegate has the right to refuse to accept delegation
The type of delegation occurring when the delegator delegates a task but does not transfer full authority and takes back responsibility or fails to direct the task?
What is Underdelegation.
Requires no transfer of responsibility or authority.
What is work assignment
The step in the delegation process where the delegate agrees to accept responsibility and authority for the task
What is Reach Agreement
Providing the delegate with too much authority or responsibility
What is overdelegation?
Concern that a staff member already has too much to do and would not welcome a delegated task
What is Fear of overburdening others