In 1236, who was Sultan Iltumish's Daughter?
Razziya Sultan.
Delhi first became the capital of a kingdom under which place?
Tomara Rajputs
How did they find about the Delhi Sultans?
They found out through inscriptions, coins and architecture which provide a lot of information.
What is "Histories" in Persian Writings?
Tarikh (Singular)
Tawarikh (Plural)
Who favoured their special slaves purchased for military services called Bandagan?
Sultan Iltutmish
Why was Razziya removed from the throne?
The Nobles wasn't happy with her due to the attempts to rule independently.
Which ruler ruled Delhi from 1175-1192?
Prithviraj Chauhan
Define Circle Of Justice.
A King cannot survive without soldiers. And soldiers cannot live without salaries. Salaries came from the revenue collected from peasents. This happens when the King promotes justice and honest government..
Which ruler ruled Delhi from 1296-1316?
Alauddin Khalji
Define Hinterland.
The lands adjacent to a city ot port that supply it with goods and services.