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To pick apart and describe precisely.



                       Identify the EVIDENCE

Cell phones should not be allowed in class because on average, students spend more time worrying about what's on their phones than what's on the whiteboard. If students would pay more attention to the teacher than their cell phone, the overall grades would be better.

"because on average, students spend more time worrying about what's on their phones than what's on the whiteboard."


Complete the Delineate Pyramid (1CER is fine) using this debatable issue:

Should all students try ONE extra curricular activity during middle school & high school?

Argument: Students should try one extra curricular activity in middle school or high school. 

Claim: Extra curricular activities help with anxiety

Evidence: Studies show that if you take one extra curricular activity in school, your social anxiety decreases by 35%. (Harvard) 

Reasoning: This evidence is relevant to my claim because if you are suffering with social anxiety then taking an extra curricular will significantly reduce that anxiety!  


Enough, adequate amount of support



How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 

700 pounds


Logical conclusions, judgements, or inferences based on evidence.



                        Identifying the Claim

Parents should not let their children stay out past midnight. After midnight nothing good happens. There are break-ins, strangers, and violence. Because of this, parents should not let their children stay out past midnight. 

After midnight nothing good happens


Complete the Delineate Pyramid (1CER is fine) using this debatable issue: 

If your loved one is in critical health and wishes to end their life sooner, is it okay for them to ask their doctor to do so? (Euthanasia)

Argument: A loved one should be able to make their own choice in regards to their life. 

Claim: My loved one would not be suffering any longer

Evidence: If my loved one has a terminal illness and I see them suffer every single day and I know that pain can go away, then why not let them be pain free? 

Reasoning: If my loved one, who is suffering from a terminal illness, wants to end their life so they can be pain free, they should be able to make that choice. 


On topic with the issue



How tall was the tallest man in our country? 

8ft 11in (Robert Wadlow)


A specific reason for something, usually supported by evidence.



             Identify the evidence(s) AND Reasoning

Video games are rotting our brains! Studies show that 96% of students that go home and play video games right away are less likely to think straight in the morning. This means that you may wake up in the morning and barely know common-sense! However, if you narrow down your playing time to 1-2 hours after school, there is significant proof that shows you are more aware in the mornings. (Hathier, 119)

Studies show that 96% of students that go home and play video games right away are less likely to think straight in the morning.

This means that you may wake up in the morning and barely know common-sense!

However, if you narrow down your playing time to 1-2 hours after school, there is significant proof that shows you are more aware in the mornings. (Hathier, 119)


Complete the Delineate Pyramid (1CER is fine) using this debatable issue: 

Should all teachers be replaced by computers/robots?

Argument: All teachers should (or should not) be replaced by computers or robots.

Claim: Students would lose that emotional connection with one of their teachers

Evidence: Robots don't have feelings and neither do computer so students would miss out on that love a teacher can give

Reasoning: When students are shown care and compassion in the classroom they tend to do better overall. It's best to have a human teacher in the classroom


Having nothing to do with the topic



How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?

2207 (Brainly.in)


To examine and judge carefully



What would be a good argumentative statement (thesis) for this issue?

Does pineapple belong on pizza?

Pineapple does belong on pizza.

Pineapple does not belong on pizza. 


Create a CERER using this debatable issue: 

Community College should be free

Claim: It would be easier for students to get good grades.

Evidence: If students had free community college then they would spend more time studying instead of working which would then improve their test scores

Reasoning: Students would not have to spend time out of school working to pay for school, instead they would spend that time studying.

Evidence: If students had free community college then they could also find time to spend with a tutor instead of working 

Reasoning: The time spent working could be time spent with a tutor and if community college was free then they would be able to make that time for a tutor


Solid and Reliable



In Switzerland it is ILLEGAL to own just one of these animals

(you must own two or more)

Guinea Pig


Not enough, inadequate amount of support



Identify the argument and reasoning in this scenario:

Carl: I think I like scary movies are better

Alysa: Comedy movies are top-tier

Carl: There's always something to look forward to in scary movies

Alysa: But Comedy has such a wide range of movies! 

Argument: Scary movies are better than Comedy movies (or) Comedy movies are better than Scary movies

Reasoning: Scary movies you always have something to look forward to

Reasoning: Comedy has such a wide range of movies


Create a CERER using this debatable issue: 

Every student should HIGHLY respect Ms. Springer. 


Claim: Ms. Springer is the best

Evidence: Ms. Springer gives us Free Friday! (If we earn it)

Reasoning: Free Friday allows us time to relax and be with our friends. It gives us something to look forward to. 

Evidence: Ms. Springer gives out birthday bags! (if our birthday is during the school year)

Reasoning: Ms. Springer shows she is the best by taking the time to write down all our birthdays and creating birthday bags for those who spend their special day sitting in a classroom. 


Authors opinion on an issue to be proven through claims, evidence, and reasoning that is valid, relevant, and sufficient. 



What is the ONE letter that doesn't appear in any American state?

