This tab is where you enter SFPD of the people flying on the ticket.
What is PSGR?
This baggage type can be any weight and cannot exceed 45 linear inches.
What is a Carry On?
This person can juggle and has a pitbull named Luna.
Who is Wes?
This city is home to the Mall of America.
What is MSP (Minneapolis)?
With this code, Delta will refrain from serving peanuts and peanut products on their flight and will offer non-peanut snacks
What is PNUT?
Opening this tab will allow you to see any changes that have been made to that record.
What is History?
This number represents the ticket stock for Air France.
What is 057?
This person's favorite hobbies include German folk dancing and cosplaying their favorite characters at various conventions.
Who is Emily?
This birthplace of Motown is also nicknamed the Motor City
What is DTW (Detroit)?
Used to escort customer with physical or intellectual disabilities who require assistance with transfers between gates or terminals.
What is DPNA?
This tab allows you to modify individual legs on a PNR.
What is the Segs tab?
This amount is the fee for Same Day Confirmed.
What is $75?
This person loves their cardigans and buying everything online.
Who is Belinda?
This city hosts the global headquarters of several corporations such as The Coca-Cola Company, The Home Depot, and Arby's.
What is ATL (Atlanta)?
Used for a Blind/Low vision customer
What is DPNA?
Not opening this tab before he walks over to your seat will drive Wes crazy.
What is TKT?
This program is a benefits or rewards program for Delta's High Valued Customers (HVC) and must be earned each year.
What is Skymiles Medallion program?
This person loves shopping online and their favorite meal is a medium well Ribeye.
Who is Angie?
What is SLC (Salt Lake City)?
This wheelchair request is for a passenger who has the ability to ascend/descend steps and make own way to/from cabin seat.
What is WCHR?
This tab allows you to place the OSI remark to TCP multiple records together.
What is Remarks?
This support line is who you would call to add a Service Animal?
Who is CES?
This person lives with three kitty cats named Raikou, Soda, and Scruffy.
Who is Anya?
The city is home to the well-known Hollywood neighborhood, and boasts hundreds of performing arts venues, museums, and galleries.
What is LAX?
This wheelchair request is for a passenger who does not have the ability to ascend/descend steps.
What is WCHS?