Rates and Trends
Pop. Structure
People/kilometer squared
What is the population DENSITY?
Overall this rate has fallen since the 50's.
What is the countries growth rate (because birth rates are so low)?
A graph that shows the make-up of a population by age and gender. They are used by banks, businesses and governments alike.
What is a population pyramid?
People leaving Canada to live somewhere else.
Who are emigrants?
/|\ / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ Pretend this is a population pyramid. (Give the type, what will happen to the population and explain what the country is like.
What is an expansive pyramid? The population will increase rapidly. The country is likely under developed and poor. There likely is a lack of education and opportunities for the people in this country.
The movement of people from the country to the city.
What is rural depopulation?
Our population would decline, leading to economic problems, without this.
What is immigration?
People aged 1-15 and those 65+.
What is the dependancy load? (Question: Are these ages accurate in today's society?
Reasons to move to a country.
What are push factors?
This type of immigrant must prove that they are in fear for their lives and/or liberty because of race, religion, social group, or political views.
What is a refugee? Bonus: What must an immigrant do to qualify as an econmic immigrant? What must a family class immigrant do?
People living along a river exhibit this pattern.
What is a linear distribution pattern.
This has declined since the 50's because people have chosen to put education/careers first, gotten married later, and divorced more often.
What is the birth rate?
This cohort has changed Canada the most and will continue to do so.
Who are the baby boomers?
A society where all people are encouraged to express their own culture and beliefs as long as it doesn't impact on anyone else's rights and freedoms.
What is a multicultural society? (Different from the US's "melting pot" society.)
This type (category) of immigrant makes up about 14% (the smallest portion) as compared to the other two types combined which account for the rest.
Who are refugees? This means that the majority of immigrants are people Canada wants/needs. The numbers also suggest that although we take refugees for humanitarian reasons they go on to contribute to our economy.
This area is the inhabitable space on Earth.
What is the ecumene?
Because it is difficult to convince people to have more children, Canada focuses on this.
What is keeping the number of immigrants high?
To insure that we have the tax base to support our aging population. (Give the way we do this.)
Why are we keeping our growth rate positive through immigration? (Also, recently the government has decided to make us all work longer!)
These types of migrants to provinces are not in fear for their lives. They often already have a job but are looking for a better one and they are already Canadians.
Who are inter-provincial migrants?
On the point system they are the three most important factors Canada considers.
What are education, language ability, and work experience. Bonus: Which of the three top factors is also considered in the "adaptability" category later on the test?
The population densities of the Ecozones gives a much better picture of this.
What is where Canadians live (our distribution).
Birth rates were highest in this period of Canada's history because of the post war boom in the economy and family re-unification.
What is the baby boom of the 50's and early 60's?
Expansive, constrictive and stationary.
What are the three general shapes of population pyramids? Bonus: Explain what each means for the population it shows.
These tend to attract new international migrants because of the cheap housing options, transportation choices, services and availability of jobs.
What are the large C.M.A.'s? Bonus: What is a C.M.A.? What are the top 4 C.M.A.'s that immigrants chose?
Reasons cities exist and grow.
What are manufacturing, transportation, resources, and services? Bonus: What makes a city grow to be a large city or one stay small?